Researchers from Norway discover that the Moon’s tides influence the release of methane from the ocean floor.
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A famous explorer’s doomed ship is finally found 107 years after it was lost to the Antarctic deep.
From hellishly hot planets to water worlds, some distant planets are like nothing in our Solar System.
We should not expect aliens to look anything like us. Creatures that resemble octopuses or birds or even robots are legitimate possibilities.
Rich data on the global state of our feathered friends presents plenty of bad news — but also some bright spots.
Probably not. Even though we’re still investigating the origin of life, the evidence suggests that cells came much later.
These bizarre mollusks have the ability to regenerate their bodies and to absorb other organisms’ attributes.
Cognitive psychologist and poet Keith Holyoak explores whether artificial intelligence could ever achieve poetic authenticity.
In the night sky for March of 2022, only stars and the Moon, not planets, will greet you. The real show, however, arrives just before dawn.
In “The Secret Life of Secrets”, Michael Slepian explores how holding secrets affects our relationships, psychology, and well-being.
A black woman most have never heard of made GPS possible. Over the span of a single lifetime, the world has changed in ways that would have been virtually unimaginable […]
A new tuna robot leads the way to more agile underwater robots and drones.
When we satisfy our curiosity, the brain has a particular way of rewarding us.
The organisms were anchored to a boulder 900 meters beneath the ice, living a cold, dark existence miles away from the open ocean.
Einstein’s laws of gravity have been challenged many times, but have always emerged victorious. Could wide binary stars change all that?
Icebergs aren’t just a threat to unsinkable ships. Their ability to cause underwater landslides poses a danger to coastal cities.
The universe’s largest seismometer reveals clues about the Gas Giant’s interior.
Capacitors, acid batteries, and other methods of storing electric charges all lose energy over time. These gravity-fed batteries won’t.
The findings at L’Anse aux Meadows mark the the earliest known year by which human migration had encircled the planet.
Back in 1990, we hadn’t discovered a single planet outside of our Solar System. Here are 10 facts that would’ve surprised every astronomer.
In one of the ocean’s most lifeless places, scientists discover and resuscitate ancient organisms.
In the early 20th century, a young biochemist named Alexander Oparin set out to connect “the world of the living” to “the world of the dead.”
Oxygen is thought to be a biomarker for extraterrestrial life, but there are at least three different ways that a lifeless planet can produce it.
Red dwarf stars were supposed to be inhospitable. But TOI-700, now with at least two potentially habitable worlds, is quite the exception.
The pulse took just 35 hours to cover the whole world.
One of the world’s most isolated island groups has just been made one of the world’s largest ocean reserves.
If argumentation led to nothing, it would soon be thrown into the evolutionary dustbin.
Digitized logbooks from the 1800s reveal a steep decline in strike rate for whalers.
Metal-like materials have been discovered in a very strange place.