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This post originally appeared in The Daily Caller. You can read the original here. In this era of tone-deaf leadership, it seems the National Security Agency is the only government […]
It’s interesting but apt that the prostitute, the stripper, and the porn actor—the real professionals!—are sometimes embraced and emulated as role models in this sexual rat race of ours. You’d […]
Recent examples from major media outlets targeting harmless individuals demonstrates a major ethical failing – as compassionate persons and responsible writers, commanding a platform. This doesn’t mean writers must never […]
I really do believe that America has this weight problem, obesity issues and we have all these diseases that we get, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases that are primarily lifestyle diseases. 
Here is a brilliant column by 11-year old Olympia Nelson on provocative selfie shots on social media. It’s valuable to hear this world described from the vantage point of someone […]
My work with The Mission Continues is the greatest way that I can take care of the people that I served with.
Someone might say—and libertarians skeptics often do—that classes in philosophy and literature are given a quite an arbitrarily inflated value by according them credit. Do away with the credit system […]
As Penn Jillettesaid right here on, “Reading the Bible (or the Koran, or the Torah) will make you an atheist.” Of course, just reading the Bible itself—all 66 canonical […]
The nicest response to a critic who gives a product (particularly films, games, comics, etc.) a low score is fans’ insistence that the critic is wrong. Of course, many fans […]
One article talks about the declining rates of procreation. Another contemplates job mobility. When I pull the fragments together into one tableau I’m left with the question: How it attachment […]