Are we really only a moment away from “The Singularity,” a technological epoch that will usher in a new era in human evolution?
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You searched for: Computers
In the name of fighting horrific crimes, Apple threatens to open Pandora’s box.
The modern attention economy hijacks our ability to focus, but an ancient technique offers a means to get it back.
Are anti-workers the lazy children of privilege or the brave vanguard of a utopic upheaval?
The most technically impressive feats of animation often strike us as eerie instead of impressive, and it’s all thanks to the uncanny valley.
It could analyze a photo of the Martian surface in just five seconds. NASA scientists need 40 minutes.
Perrikaryal uses an EEG to translate her brain activity into beating bosses in “Elden Ring” and beyond.
Researchers have created a method to help workers collaborate with artificial intelligence systems.
Flies are in no way smart, but they experience time in an almost Matrix-like fashion.
Can ChatGPT help you power through writer’s block?
Quantum mechanics has taught us that even empty space contains energy. “Negative energy” is the state of having less energy than empty space.
“The promise of the Human Genome Project has finally arrived.”
Why the road to self-driving vehicles is paved with smarter “dumb” cars.
A new control system, demonstrated using MIT’s robotic mini cheetah, enables four-legged robots to jump across uneven terrain in real-time.
If the “self” is not real, then we are slaves to a billiard ball universe, trapped in a nihilistic nightmare in which we cannot change our fate.
If computers can beat us at chess, maybe they could beat us at math, too.
No matter how good our measurement devices get, certain quantum properties always possess an inherent uncertainty. Can we figure out why?
These missions will put us one step closer to the ultimate goal: crewed trips to Mars.
The key to its success lies not in its understanding of technology, but in its understanding of human nature.
Choking under pressure seems to have deep evolutionary roots.
The key? A computational flattening algorithm.
In an age of high quit rates, struggling low-wage employees, and tone-deaf leadership, the call for “good jobs” makes great sense.
We don’t know when or how music was originally invented, but we can now track its evolution across space and time thanks to the Global Jukebox.
The American author said he attempted to bring scientific thinking to literary criticism, but received “very little gratitude for this.”
The central equation of quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation, is different from the equations found in classical physics.
Spaceguard shows that we can manage risks to the extinction of humanity — if only we put our mind to it.
There could be variables beyond the ones we’ve identified and know how to measure. But they can’t get rid of quantum weirdness.
Over the past 50 years, 27 leap seconds have been added to our time.
No matter how good our measurement devices get, certain quantum properties always possess an inherent uncertainty. Can we figure out why?
Far from being a “dead” pursuit that focuses on old ideas, modern philosophy proposes and debates important, new concepts. All of us can learn from it.