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You searched for: Cats

Next month I will establish the world’s first quantum bank. The bank will be headquartered in Rockefeller Plaza, the global center of finance.
Now that CNN and BuzzFeed have joined forces to create a new online video destination, the meme-ification of the news is almost complete. The viral celebrities, the LOL cats, and the Listicles have won. The […]
I decided that I would attempt to scientifically figure out where on the phylogenetic tree, which is the master map of all the species on earth, where you might put God. 
In today’s lesson, Ross Pomeroy explores how researchers are learning how the parasite is Toxoplasma gondii “weasels its way into the brain,” producing “some subtle and startling changes in the host’s behavior.”
I find it fascinating that based on what we now know, we can’t yet say that it’s impossible to travel in time. 
The first two words that came to my mind about the Rolling Stone cover of The Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were “craven” and “disingenuous,” but they were followed by other words. […]
Cybersexism: Sex, gender and power on the Internet Laurie Penny Bloomsbury, 2013 (available from Amazon) Sexism – whether existing in meat- or cyberspace – is the noise people make who […]
3-D printers are currently capable of producing usable car parts, cat-scanned reproductions of ancient Sumerian clay envelopes with letters inside, and cool-looking geometric desktop toys. That’s very exciting indeed. But […]
Too often, readers finish popular books on decision making with the false conviction that they will decide better. 
Gamification, using game mechanics to improve learning, engagement and behavior change, has been a trend for a long time now. Make it a game! Everything from fitness to work to […]