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You searched for: Big Think
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At a fundamental level, only a few particles and forces govern all of reality. How do their combinations create human consciousness?
People can lose their authentic selves when they don’t honestly confront life’s potential, according to the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard.
New studies stretch the boundaries of physics, achieving quantum entanglement in larger systems.
The crisis of the Anthropocene challenges our traditional narratives and myths about humanity’s place in the world. Citizen science can help.
A physicist creates an AI algorithm that predicts natural events and may prove the simulation hypothesis.
Such massive, early supermassive black holes have puzzled astronomers for decades. At last, we’ve finally figured out how they form.
It’s all well and good to discuss how our humanity evolved – but what even is humanity?
If atoms are mostly empty space, then why can’t two objects made of atoms simply pass through each other? Quantum physics explains why.
Talent wants to be free — but a safe company culture puts “the maze in the mouse” and shackles progress.
When people pick the greatest scientist of all-time, Newton and Einstein always come up. Perhaps they should name Johannes Kepler, instead.
Mammals have a history stretching back 325 million years. To study that ancient history is to know our own origins.
The new agency wants to push the boundaries of science and technology.
Watch The Daily Show comedian Jordan Klepper and elite improviser Bob Kulhan live.
The mass that gravitates and the mass that resists motion are, somehow, the same mass. But even Einstein didn’t know why this is so.
Asking science to determine what happened before time began is like asking, “Who were you before you were born?”
A radical redesign of commercial aircraft, called the flying-V plane, could increase fuel efficiency by 20%, greatly reducing emissions.
It is little more than a fancy excuse for escapist fantasizing.
We all know assholes. Perhaps, you are one. Now, psychologists are trying to answer one of life’s biggest mysteries: What, exactly, makes someone an asshole?
A longstanding mismatch between theory and experiment motivated an exquisite muon measurement. At last, a theoretical solution has arrived.
What happens when simulation theory becomes more than a fascinating thought experiment?
In all mammals, there are two brain pathways for processing information from the eyes: an evolutionarily ancient one and a more modern one.
It might seem like science and faith are at war, but the two have a historical synergy that extends back in time for centuries.
Argentina’s black market for cash is embracing crypto — but it’s not what crypto proponents expected.
For some reason, the charges on the electron and proton are equal and opposite, and their numbers are equal, too. But why?
If there are three neutrino species, all with different masses, then how is energy conserved when they oscillate from one flavor to another?
What makes a face trustworthy, anyway?