What makes something a hit or a flop? Sit and ponder that one, and you’ll find it’s a stumper. At first, the answer seems obvious: popularity. That’s not quite right […]
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Moral dilemmas reveal the limitations of ethical principles. Oddly, the most principled belief system might not have any principles at all.
Virtually enroll in beginner-to-expert guitar lessons to unleash your inner musician.
In 1974, Hawking showed that black holes aren’t stable, but emit radiation and decay. Nearly 50 years later, it isn’t just for black holes.
A 2020 study revived a longstanding controversy over Christopher Columbus’ claims of marauding cannibals in the Caribbean.
It’s the early 20th century, and you are the captain of a ship. A barquentine specifically—three masts and a coal-burning steam engine in her belly. She’s a sturdy and capable […]
We live in a four-dimensional Universe, where matter and energy curve the fabric of spacetime. But time sure is different from space!
Many Americans aren’t rejecting spirituality, just practicing it differently.
Modern cosmology conjectures different possible fates for the Universe and thus for the end of time. Details depend on which model is right.
The first observational evidence showing the Universe is expanding is 100 years old now: in 2023. Here’s the story of its 100th anniversary.
When someone attempts to make you afraid of something that hasn’t happened instead of a true, present danger, suspect this nefarious ploy.
The information we have in the Universe is finite and limited, but our curiosity and wonder is forever insatiable. And always will be.
If aliens are driven mostly by biological imperatives, humanity could be in big trouble if we ever meet technologically advanced beings.
Did you know that American politics has become polarized? Shocking news, we know, but in case your news feed wasn’t evidence enough, Pew Research Center has been tracking the phenomenon […]
The Russian mindset is characterized by cynicism and distrust.
The value of art does not lie in the artwork itself but is instead determined by curators, collectors, critics, and other participants in the modern-day art market.
How the simple act of watching twilight can radically transform our perception of the world and our role within it.
Ever since the start of the hot Big Bang, time ticks forward as the Universe expands. But could time ever run backward, instead?
For many years, cosmologists have claimed the Universe is 13.8 billion years old. A new paper says no, it’s 26.7 billion. How do we decide?
Real-time online learning is where our dated education system is heading.
The primary causes of global climate change are all due to human activity. Adding aerosols to our atmosphere only exacerbates the problem.
A Carrington-magnitude event would kill millions, and cause trillions of dollars in damage. Sadly, it isn’t even the worst-case scenario.
The more you donate, the greater your chances.
It’s time to put on your listening hat.
Anxieties about being identified will be superseded by fears of being analyzed.
Learn to whip up some of the most popular cocktails — from classic mojitos to white chocolate and coconut martinis.
Sixty years ago, the Soviet Union was way ahead of the USA in the space race. Then one critical event changed everything.
You can love a romantic partner, but also a pet, a book, God, or the sound of someone’s voice. We need many more words for love.
Personal finance advice is often over-simplified and fails to consider economic research or people’s unique circumstances.
As the American population grows, fewer people will die of cancer.