Life arose on Earth very early on. After a few billion years, here we are: intelligent and technologically advanced. Where’s everyone else?
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After Albert Einstein’s death in 1955, a pathologist—searching for the secret of genius—removed, dissected, and ultimately stole the mathematician’s brain.
One of the 20th century’s most famous, influential, and successful physicists is lauded the world over. But Feynman is no hero to me.
Eric Olson — CEO and co-founder of Consensus — takes his cues from the university of legendary coaches.
Understanding “why” may be the key to unlocking an AI’s imagination.
Is the multiverse real? It’s one of the hottest questions in all of theoretical physics. We invited two astrophysicists to join the debate.
If you give yourself and others space to tinker and experiment, then you might create something incredible. Here’s how to do it well.
Even with the best technology imaginable, you’d probably never be able to exist as a consciously aware brain in a vat.
Your brain is bursting with ideas, and most of them are … weird. You only have to recall the wonderfully bonkers notions of your childhood. Like the time you wanted […]
Since its observation discovery in the 1990s, dark energy has been one of science’s biggest mysteries. Could black holes be the cause?
There are different types of atheism and atheists. In general, they can be classified as the non-religious, the non-believers, and agnostics.
The expanding Universe, in many ways, is the ultimate out-of-equilibrium system. After enough time passes, will we eventually get there?
From the earliest stages of the hot Big Bang (and even before) to our dark energy-dominated present, how and when did the Universe grow up?
Whether in Russia or China, the secret police are defined by their unquestioning loyalty — as well as by their poor career prospects.
There’s never been a better time to implement empathy training.
By improving quantum error correction, quantum computations are now faster than ever. But parallel universes? That’s utter nonsense here.
Better cognitive control over our decisions can stave off disappointment in our actions.
Summit Public Schools take a radically different approach to education. And it’s working.
Our brains believe $10 today is more tangible than $100 next year.
Opponents of America’s entry into the looming Second World War believed the U.S. would be dismembered.
The fictitious 31st-century world portrayed by the series is actually quite a bit like our own in the 21st century.
The whole isn’t greater than the sum of its parts; that’s a flaw in our thinking. Non-reductionism requires magic, not merely science.
It is easy to underestimate how much the world can change within a lifetime.
Our thermodynamic arrow of time explains why the entropy of any isolated system always increases. But it can’t explain what we perceive.
In some Asian countries, what’s in your blood may influence your social status.
The pathogen typically kills more than 90% of people it infects.
Entrenched business wisdom says that community-led economic systems are pure fantasy. Douglas Rushkoff disagrees.
The “little red dots” were touted as being too massive, too early, for cosmology to explain. With new knowledge, everything adds up.
Early on, only matter and radiation were important for the expanding Universe. After a few billion years, dark energy changed everything.