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The Permanency of Spy Games

Despite the Cold War mystique surrounding alleged Russian spies living within the U.S. under “deep cover”, Al Jazeera reports that spying is an eternal art, valuable to a nation no matter the epoch.
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Despite the Cold War mystique surrounding alleged Russian spies living within the U.S. under “deep cover”, Al Jazeera reports that spying is an eternal art, valuable to a nation no matter the epoch. “Although many people had assumed that intense rivalry between intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and KGB, were a thing of the past, the fact is that nations still want to know what their enemies, and even their friends, are thinking. Glenmore Trenear-Harvey, a former British intelligence officer, told Al Jazeera that the alleged actions by the 11 suspects accused of acting as agents of a foreign government were likely ‘part of the constant spying that goes on between these nations’.”

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