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Eight C.I.A. Killed

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that killed eight American C.I.A. agents in Afghanistan.
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“The Taliban claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing Wednesday that killed eight Americans believed to be CIA employees. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said the attack in Khost province was carried out by a bomber wearing an explosives-laden vest. He, however, said that 13 U.S. soldiers were killed in the attack. Earlier, a senior U.S. official said information suggested a bomber walked into a gym facility at Forward Operating Base Chapman and detonated a suicide vest. It’s not known how the bomber got past security. In addition to the eight deaths, the blast wounded six Americans, the official said. A U.S. military source said that FOB Chapman was originally a base for the Khost Provincial Construction Team, but the team left some time ago. Authorities believe that perhaps the suicide bomber attacked just after a convoy was ending or beginning, which would account for high number of casualties.”

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