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Wit Wins Against Cyberbullies

When I was a kid, I never thought of telling a bully: “Don’t mess with me. I’ve got a quirky sense of humor, a great singing voice, and I know how to code!” But then I saw Jimmy Wong.
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When I was a kid, I never thought of telling a bully: “Don’t mess with me. I’ve got a quirky sense of humor, a great singing voice, and I know how to code!” Then I saw Jimmy Wong. “(He) reminded me that the tools that can be deployed by the so-called cyberbullies are also freely available to those they harass. The 24 year-old singer, and up-and-coming YouTube sensation, wrote and recorded The Asians in the Library Song in response to Alexandra Wallace’s video. The lyrics are funny and good-spirited, and effectively turn the tables on the original rant. The song has been viewed about 800,000 times, and is now for sale.”

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