Germany finds itself once again allowing a murderous dictator to run rampant in Europe, though this time it is due to incompetence and technophobia rather than malice.
When we started imaging the Universe with Hubble, every star had four “spikes” coming from it. Here’s why Webb will have more.
If love is an addiction, your first love is the first dose.
Can stories help us become more creative?
Head direction cells act like internal compasses to help the birds navigate during long flights.
In the Saudi Arabian desert, the Al Naslaa rock formation looks completely unnatural. Its perfectly vertical split remains a mystery.
Knowing that technology would advance in the future, NASA put some moon rock samples into storage without opening them. Now, they have.
It is normal for parents to experience intrusive thoughts about harming their children. Don’t let the thoughts worry you.
Aerial drone footage was sent to an AI trained to track down space rocks.
The far infrared reveals both the coldest and hottest gas in the Universe, and can teach us what no other wavelength range can.
The insects were just as accurate as trained dogs, although not as cuddly.
Awe is a powerful force, a fact that is both exciting and terrifying.
Outrage is a useful emotion that helped our ancient ancestors survive. Today, it leaves us feeling angry, tired, powerless, and miserable.
Nostalgia is a happy remembrance of the past, yet it also leaves us feeling sad. Perhaps ironically, it can serve as a painkiller.
Is there any good reason for assigning North and South the way we do, or could we have just as easily done the reverse?
Earth is not a benign mother. We have begun to witness what happens when it unleashes its fury.
At the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society in Michigan, retrieving sunken vessels is the order of the day. Here’s how they do it.
We pretend as if economic sanctions are a peaceful way to coerce others into behaving. In reality, they are a potent tool of modern warfare.
For millennia, diamonds were the hardest known material, but they only rank at #7 on the current list. Can you guess which material is #1?
Most people have a distorted view of what being a scientist is like. Scientists need to make a greater effort to challenge stereotypes.
Local researchers identify a striking rainbow-colored fairy wrasse found off the coast of the Maldives as a fish species all its own.
It rotates on its axis, revolves around the Sun, moves throughout the Milky Way, and gets carried by our galaxy all throughout space.
The World Air Quality Index shows how clean your city’s air is, in real time.
The A.I. system could improve the lives of commercially raised pigs.
A growing body of research shows that religious people seem to enjoy more psychological well-being compared to others.
The laws of physics state that you can’t create or destroy matter without also creating or destroying an equal amount of antimatter. So how are we here?
Memes communicate complex ideas quickly and efficiently, but that’s precisely what makes them so dangerous.
Some scientists believe that DMT could revolutionize the treatment of depression.
Like witchcraft, “racecraft” refers to a kind of magical thinking — one that treats race as if it were scientifically meaningful.