Ways to move forward when you’re wrong and I’m right.
Valles Marineris is the Solar System’s grandest canyon, many times longer, wider, and deeper than the Grand Canyon. What scarred Mars so?
Explore how QBism reframes science by placing the observer at the heart of quantum reality.
People who die by suicide are more likely to have reduced levels of the NPAS4 gene, which helps regulate inflammation in the brain.
Jotform CEO Aytekin Tank explains how he successfully embraced and deployed AI.
Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is both completely normal and absolutely remarkable in a number of ways. Here’s the story of our cosmic home.
Millennia ago, philosophers like Anaximander grasped that nature is the ultimate recycler.
Want to get ahead at work? It ain’t what you say, it’s the way that you say it — and adaptability is essential.
On the largest cosmic scales, galaxies line up along filaments, with great clusters forming at their intersection. Here’s how it took shape.
Want to avoid getting “spaghettified” by a black hole? Steer clear of the smaller ones.
Do the benefits of plastics outweigh the costs?
Neuroscience supports the notion that an escape from conventional perspectives can be a gateway to spectacular insights.
Astronomers claim to have found structures so large, they shouldn’t exist. With such biased, incomplete observations, perhaps they don’t.
College students once stood out from the pack on IQ tests. Today, they’re about average.
The innovative investor and entrepreneur deals out advice for anyone looking to follow in his footsteps.
“I was incarcerated well before I was in prison and I was free before the gates of prison opened up and let me out.”
6 min
Here in our Solar System, we only have one star: a singlet. For many systems, including the highest-mass ones, that’s anything but the norm.
One dose of ibogaine was shown to dramatically reduce depression and PTSD.
From AI to health and the metaverse, this year’s CES promised new tech that will change lives long after the excitement of the latest TV wears off.
The answer is set to change in the year 2113, a recent estimate suggests.
Prolonged and repetitive tasks rewire us in profound ways – which can be a force for good at work.
The pattern 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc., is the Fibonacci sequence. It shows up all over nature. But what’s the full explanation behind it?
London’s busiest airport seems to be rebounding well from the pandemic — but Istanbul has better prospects in the long run.
Placebo treatments don’t always need to be given deceptively to have positive effects.
Two scientists recently wagered a bottle of whiskey. The bet? Whether we’ll find evidence of advanced extraterrestrial life in the next 15 years.
IBM veteran Daniel Sabbah learned from experience how to lead through the challenges of demand and innovation.
Life became a possibility in the Universe as soon as the raw ingredients were present. But living, inhabited worlds required a bit more.
Western societies seem to be getting inflammation achingly wrong.
Psychologist Noel Brick shares the mental techniques we can use to improve our performance on and off the field.
Today, supermassive black holes and their host galaxies tell a specific story in terms of mass. But JWST reveals a different story early on.