If Our Homes Were Designed by Children, They’d Look Like This

When children are around two, they begin to make art. Of course, they’re just experimenting with a crayon or marker: What does this thing do? While some may suggest it’s the start of their wanting to leave their own permanent mark on the world — the fact is that permanence itself is a recent idea for them, and likely still a bit shaky. A couple of years later, lines turn into circles, and they turn into shapes. Grownups around them ask, “What’s that a picture of,” and they begin to lose the joy of total artistic freedom. Picasso, known for his seemingly rough-hewn skills was actually an accomplished artist first.
Picassso was 9 when he drew this. (ESTATE OF PABLO PICASSO)
It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child. — Pablo Picasso
In any event, soon kids are drawing things, first in the air, then anchored to the ground. Among the first objects kids draw are houses.
Some believe we’re such free artists when young because our pre-frontal cortex doesn’t come on-line until we’re in our teens. Or maybe it’s our regimented school systems that hammer the art out of all but the most stubbornly creative.
The designers at Made in the UK got to wondering what the odd little houses young children draw might look like if they were actually constructed. They collected some drawings from 10 British kids and hired a 3D illustrator to bring them to life. Here are five of them. (All art and photos by Made.)
Alannah, age 7
Alannah’s cozy home has a swimming pool, which may or may not be useful given that she can’t quite decide on the weather. It’s sunny with a rainbow on one side of the house, and cloudy on the other.
Charlie, age 5
Charlie has a bit of an issue with perspective, but that’s quite alright. His house has a nosecone, so it’s presumably interstellar-travel-ready.
Hamza, age 8
Hamza’s got it all worked out, really, with the house still drawn in the sky, but with a ladder for getting there.
Ellis, age 7
Ellis might’ve been thinking of the third little pig’s house, because this one looks super-solid, if a wee bit akimbo. He may be a serious little guy if the clouds are an indicator.
Tilda, age 7
If only houses were really as colorful as Tilda’s. The world would be so much more fun.