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Guest Thinkers

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In the blogosphere we pay a lot of attention to the folks who blog. We rarely, if ever, recognize those folks who comment. But of course the power of blogs would be greatly diminished if folks weren’t willing to add their commentary to others’ posts.

Do you know someone who always leaves great comments? Please recognize him or her with this badge (or make your own!). [Note: you must be given this award by someone else. You can’t just recognize yourself!]

Fantastic Commenter badge

  • 150 pixels wide
  • 125 pixels wide
  • 100 pixels wide
  • I’d like to recognize the following folks (who can now post this badge with pride!):

  • Alice Mercer
  • Dennis Harter
  • Go ahead. Recognize someone. You know he/she deserves it!

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    A weekly newsletter featuring the biggest ideas from the smartest people


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