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Guest Thinkers

Guest blog series – Reconciling standards- and data-driven accountability with 21st century skills

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In August I put out the call for guest bloggers on the topic of Reconciling standards- and data-driven accountability with the ’21st century skills’ movement. I had a number of people volunteer to take on the issue (enough for two per day!). Next week we’ll see what they have to say…

  • Monday, September 20 – Shawn Cornally & Aaron Eyler
  • Tuesday, September 21 – Jason Klein & Karen Szymusiak
  • Wednesday, September 22 – Kyle Pace & Tony VonBank
  • Thursday, September 23 – Carl Anderson & Dave Cormier
  • Friday, September 24 – Joe Bower & Dan McGuire
  • Saturday, September 25 – Matt Landahl & Tyler Rice
  • Sunday, September 26 – Richard Kassissieh & Andrew Smith
  • I know these will spark some great conversations. Happy reading (in advance)!

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