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Ask Dr. Jonathan Castro your Chaiten questions

Here’s your chance to ask a question to Dr. Jonathan Castro, one of the author’s of the new Nature paper on the speed of rhyolite movement during the May 2008 Chaiten eruption.
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I mentioned this at the end of the post on recent Nature paper by Castro and Dindwell on the speed of rhyolite magma ascent at Chaiten, but I’ll break it out to get your attention:

>Do you have a burning question about the Chaiten magma you’d love to be able to ask Dr. Castro? He has kindly offered to answer some questions about Chaiten and his research for Eruptions readers. Send me your questions at

and I’ll choose some of them for Dr. Castro to answer. I’ll post the interview and the answers to your questions here on the blog.

So do it! Send me your questions for Dr. Castro!

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