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Despite its significant downsides, nuclear energy is still absolutely vital for America’s (and the planet’s) future. This will become all the more true when cleaner fourth generation reactors become available.
Before Copernicus, it was widely believed that everything – including the Sun – revolved around the Earth. In the same way, it might be quaint one day to believe that everything once revolved around the PC rather than the mobile device.
Afghanistan’s annual bumper opium crop neither benefits the Taliban nor affects America as much as is believed. It is an Asia-centric trade that lines the pockets of corrupt government officials. 
Believing in a supernatural being who monitored and judged anyone at all times encouraged people to avoid acting on their immoral impulses, helping them survive, says author Jesse Bering.
China, the world’s largest consumer of cigarettes, is having another crack at kicking the habit. The Chinese government has announced it will ban smoking in enclosed public venues from May.