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A train crash in Brussels has left at least 20 people dead after high speed locomotives collided head-on amid snowy conditions, after at least one vehicle failed to put on the brakes.
This winter’s Olympic medals contain recycled material from junked electronic equipment like circuit boards and cathode ray tubes that would otherwise occupy a dump.
The notorious private security firm Blackwater, currently Xe, was charging the government to fly a Filipina prostitute into Afghanistan and pay her a monthly salary as “morale welfare recreation”.
The professor who killed three of her colleagues during a department meeting also shot and killed her 18-year-old brother 24 years ago in Massachusetts.
After a campaign to publicize an invasion of Marjah, Afghanistan during which most of the Taliban left, coalition forces have moved in and secured a majority of the city only hours after invading.
The luge track where a Georgian athlete died is being refitted with safer walls after the tragedy cast a somber mood over the opening ceremony.
Amy Bishop, an assistant professor of biology who has shot and killed three of her colleagues at the U of Alabama-Hunstville, was recently twice denied tenure.
Personal ads recently found from the 17th century are more about money and stability than love or romance; the uncovered ads are stored in the British Library.
Son of the world’s most wanted man, Omar Bin Laden says in a video interview that his father is more moderate than many jihadists and talks of his own affinity for western culture.
As part of Big Think’s “What Is Love?” series, we release interviews with Helen Fisher and David Schnarch, two notable experts in the field of love. According to Fisher, there’s […]
A young pastor is suing a Californian shopping mall after he was handcuffed and ejected from the building for striking up conversations with three shoppers about their religious beliefs.
As the snow piles up along the East Coast the climate change debate continues to rage with skeptics mocking global warming fears saying it seems more like “global cooling”.
Oscar Wilde once declared that “the mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death.” Well, this might be true, but it’s not stopping us from attempting to get […]
Every election year, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) elects to their “Dirty Dozen” list twelve members of Congress who “consistently vote against the environment and are up for re-election […]
There is an irony, although it is hardly surprising, that a very English Revolutionary and devout Parliamentarian, John Hampden, and the family name of “Hampden,” is better remembered in the […]
Bad weather caused 17 snow avalanches in the Afghanistan Hindu Kush mountain range, burying hundreds of cars on a mountain highway and leaving dozens dead.
Lawyers for Brooke Mueller Sheen, the wife of Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen, have said she wants the domestic violence case against him dismissed after the pair were reunited.
The non-religious know their right from wrong just as well as churchgoers, according to new research revealing a strong moral compass among atheists.
The excessively volatile and unpronounceable nature of Eastern European politics can make them seem futile, if not impossible to follow. But today’s elections in the Ukraine could lead to a […]
The Canadian Prime Minister has announced that the G-7 countries will cancel all their bilateral debt with Haiti encouraging other nations like Venezuela and Taiwan to do the same.
Online dating companies are getting more technical in their match-making abilities including matching couples based on genetic markers of the immune systems.
A ten-ton boulder that diverted drainage off a mountain side sent mudslides through an L.A. neighborhood evacuating 500 homes and entering 43.
For now the U.S. is content to encourage privately funded space missions and international cooperation while a new Space Race may soon fill the vacuum left by a hobbled NASA.