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Iphone meets blender. Blender wins. Story of all our lives, isn’t it? I mean, given that we’re all heading for an inevitable blending of our constituent atoms with the universe’s flotsam […]
A beckoning light; a feeling of transcendence: these are two characteristics of a near-death experience that new research suggests may relate to amounts of certain chemicals in the blood.
Though many heads of state were on the plane crash that killed the President of Poland, the political machinery necessary to govern remains in place; an election must be held in 60 days.
Russia is threatening stop American families from adopting Russian orphans after a Tennessee family sent its adopted Russian son back to Moscow unaccompanied, save for a written letter.
Less labor intensive and more profitable per acre, more marijuana is being grown in Afghanistan increasing the Taliban’s profit from the drug trade.
Justice Stevens, who will retire at the end of the Supreme Court’s current term, is a Chicago native where the political culture taught him to hold politicians accountable.
CNN looks at a list of potential nominees to fill Justice Steven’s seat on the Supreme Court including current Attorney General Eric Holder and Diane Wood.
In the first UN climate talks since Copenhagen, poor countries who will be most affected by climate change demanded a legally binding treaty.
Politico reports that the notorious anti-choice congressman Bart Stupak (D-Mich) is retiring. Stupak claims that he abruptly announced his departure on a Friday afternoon for no particular reason. He told […]
As the campaign in Afghanistan wears on, there is a consensus in the Islamic world that a discernible American retreat from the region is in the works, writes Fouad Ajami.
It can be shocking to hear stories about female terrorists like the Russian “black widows” and America’s “Jihad Jane” — particularly because women so rarely turn to violence.
The director of the census bureau in charge of marine species, called the Global Marine Species Assessment, has issued a warning about the deterioration of earth’s coral reefs. It was […]
Insects have long been objects of fascination in classical literature, children’s nursery rhymes, and in the culture at large. Hugh Raffles’ interest in insects stemmed from his work in the Amazon, […]
Scientists in the Philippines say they have discovered a new species of giant lizards with bright yellow, blue, and green skin, that lives in the forests and survives on a fruit-only diet.
Faced with climate change, some birds are changing their migration schedules and staying closer to home — and in the future they might stop migrating altogether.
Today marks the fourth installment of Big Think’s series on business sustainability, sponsored by Logica. For the next nine Mondays (through June 8, 2010), we will release in-depth discussions with top European […]
Jakub Grygiel gives eleven reasons why the study of classical history, and writers like Herodotus and Thucydides, are still vital to a modern education.