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Naturally occurring bacteria, which are the only real solution to the Gulf oil spill, are much more effective than any lab-grown microbe—further proof that man cannot best mother nature.
Without disputing the immorality of Confederate slavery, the role it played in igniting the Civil War remains debatable among historians a century and half since Appomattox.
“We may not have free will, but we have ‘free wont’, which is as good as saying we’re not totally deterministic. So far so good,” writes Dr. David Rock.
“Dubbed the ‘best-known Muslim in all of Europe,’ a ‘Muslim Martin Luther,’ and ‘the prophet of a new Euro-Islam'”, Tariq Ramadan is a Muslim reformist worth considering.
Historical perversions and obfuscating euphemisms have the support of the Texas school book board which is seeking to tell an especially politicized version of history.
Climate scientists looking at data from 2010 think the warm weather phenomenon El Niño combined with global warming could make for a hot summer—the hottest ever.
Steve Chapman opposes France’s proposed ban on burqas because in a free society “none of us is obligated to integrate. The Amish don’t. Neither do the Hare Krishnas.”
The New Criterion takes issue with moral relativism and asks after what limits exist to tolerating cultural practices that advocate violence against the defenseless.
“In Europe and parts of Asia, many politicians, political scientists, and citizens have lately developed greater respect for the positive role a constitutional monarch can play in democracy.”
Anthropologist David Puts explains biological and behavioral differences between men and women in terms of evolutionary competition to win the best mate.
Having “misspoken” gets American politicians out of their brazen lies, but our English brethren are mystified at our willingness to accept falsehoods and half-truths from our leaders.
Last week our narcoleptic Lenovo laptop dozed off into permanent slumber. Not terribly saddened at its untimely demise, we nonchalantly recycled it (using and bought ourselves a shiny new […]
“The economic case for global action to stop the destruction of the natural world is even more powerful than the argument for tackling climate change,” the U.N. will report this summer.
Obama’s deadline for closing Guantanamo having passed, “it’s unclear, as we sit today, whether it’s gonna close at all,” says Matt D’Aloisio, the founder of Witness Against Torture.
Climate change skeptics recently gathered in Chicago to exchange ideas and invectives over the largely accepted claims about the dangers of global warming.
Husna Haq at The CSM explains why she is and other Muslims are so offended by depictions of Mohammad and why it’s no surprise Pakistan has banned Facebook for the rest of May.