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nn Well, this is getting rather harrowing. Volcan Chaiten, the Chilean volcano that sprung back to life last Friday after anywhere between 2,000 to 7,000 of quiet, is apparently erupting […]
nn Another day, another development at Chaiten. Military stationed near the volcano helping with evacuations reported “booming noises” and saw incandescent blocks getting hurled from the vent area. This suggests that lava […]
The best successes in volcanic mitigation have been in places where the combination of monitoring, communications and practice fit together like so many legos in a set, allowing for a calm and orderly evacuation when the eruption, or signs of eruption, began
Oh yes, and if you’re into that sort of thing, you can follow Eruptions on the Facebook as well. I hear its on the interweb these days, so thats cool. […]
Welcome to the inaugural post on Eruptions, a weblog about volcanic eruptions, volcanoes and the people who live near them. I’m going to attempt to compile everything I can about […]
nn I’ve been following these rumblings for the last few months, but it looks like Colombia’s Nevado del Huila is ramping into a new cycle of eruptions. Huila lives in […]
Ruapehu, in New Zealand, is starting to show signs it may erupt in the near future. It is a fairly active volcano, last erupting in Septemeber of 2007, but it […]
nn So, this isn’t exactly about current eruptions, but I was able to watch the new (well, to the U.S.) Doctor Who episode centered around the 79 A.D. eruption of Mt. […]
nn Update 5/3/08: SERNAGEOMIN (the Chilean Geologic Survey) is now concerned that the eruption of Chaiten may be a the precursor of a larger eruption, mostly owing to the long (~9,000 […]
nn Update 5/4/08: Looks like there is now officially a deathtoll for Chaiten, as an elderly woman died during the evacuations. The volcanoes continues to spew ash and I wouldn’t be surprised […]
2009 has been a busy year for Volcan Galeras in Colombia. The volcano has erupted at least twice this year already vigorously enough to prompt evacuations of the area. Galeras […]
Welcome to version 2.0 of Eruptions, the blog on volcanic eruptions and volcano research in general. I’ve been writing this blog (starting over on WordPress) over the last year or […]
“The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change: that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not […]
In the age of reuse-is-better-than-recycle, Italian designer Antonello Fusè has come up with an ingenious, elegant twist on used furniture: Abitudini, a line of unique, asymmetrical coat hangers made from […]
“Nothing undermines the credibility of any sport more than the suspicion that what you are watching is in fact a fix,” intones The Guardian’s editorial as a new cricket scandal emerges.
Most people do not come to Hollywood for deep conversation, but as we explained with respect to “serious games,” the entertainment universe is producing an impressive array of products that can […]