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China’s visiting vice premier said his country would buy $7.9 billion in Spanish bonds. El País newspaper dubbed Li Keqiang the new ‘Mr. Marshall’, alluding to America’s Marshall Plan.
There’s a lot of talk on BIG THINK about evolutionary explanations of this or that human behavior.  They’re all pretty fascinating, although far from completely convincing. Darwinian explanations, for what […]
Hours after AQAP pulled off one ambush in Abyan, they were back at it, ambushing another convoy of soldiers this afternoon. This time they attacked a convoy (Ar) that included […]
At 10 am this morning, a group of al-Qaeda fighters shouting Allahu Akbar ambushed a convoy of military vehicles from the Central Security Forces, killing anywhere from 6 to 12 […]
Oh, those Pakistanis.  First, they claim that a drone strike killed Fahd al-Qusa and then months later al-Qusa appears safe and sound on the front page of al-Sharq al-Awsat, where […]
It’s a new year in Congress. With the start of the 112th Congress the Republicans have assumed control of the House. Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) became the new Speaker of […]