The Power of Honest Reflection
The summer is in full swing. School leaders around the country had big plans for this summer. Many walked into June saying, “This is the summer that I will do X for my school.”
How is that working out?
Ok, so many of us had big hopes and dreams for the summer but those may be faltering or falling short of expectations. However here is an activity for school leaders that requires only conscious daydreaming and honest reflection.
Step 1: Take a hard look at your school.
Step 2: Take a real hard look at your school. Be brutally honest with yourself about what is working, what needs improved, and what needs thrown out.
Step 3: Look at how technology is being used in your school by administrators, teachers, and students. Is your staff using technology just to use shiny tools or is your staff using technology to rock the educational experience of your students. Again…be brutally honest.
Step 4: Daydream a little…what would the ideal situation look like? What does great technology integration look like for your school with its unique needs and all its quirks?
Step 5: Daydream some more…how can you move your school from good to great?
Honest, heartfelt, and brutal reflection can really propel a school into greatness.
Dream on school leaders!