As I wrote earlier today, how Sarah Palin’s devout Pentecostal faith colors her views on complex policy problems such as Iraq or climate change is a relevant question that journalists […]
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The TV networks are still a very powerful constituency and it’s doubtful McCain will be a no-show unless the political advantages are absolutely clear. Even Fox News is going to […]
Bush-Gore Debates 2000: The focus was on performance rather than substance.For those that have seen the Nisbet/Mooney Speaking Science 2.0 talks over the past year, you might have witnessed during […]
The Dartmouth investment banker and the Princeton professor.It would be interesting to trace the origin of the term “bailout” as applied to the Bush administration’s plan since the phrase has […]
Given the complexities of pressing science-related issues such as climate change or biomedical research, we need a new breed of specialist journalist who covers the intersections of science and policy. […]
In the Post’s Sunday Book Review, atheist and Georgetown professor Jacques Berlinerblau reviews Michael Novak’s “No One Sees God: A Catholic Philosopher Attempts a Dialogue with the New Atheists.”In the […]
Were Ronald Reagan and Carl Sagan the dominant communicators of the 1980s? Watching this past week the PBS American Experience biopic on Reagan reinforced in my mind the parallels between […]
A news release on a new survey from the Woodrow Wilson Center’s project on nanotechnology: Washington, DC — A groundbreaking poll finds that almost half of U.S. adults have heard […]
Bill Maher’s mockumentary Religulous opens in theaters on Friday. Judging by Maher’s media interviews, it’s more of the same type of sophomoric ridicule that has been so self-defeating to the […]
As I wrote last month, one key advertising strategy for the Obama campaign is to use aspects of McCain’s background along with his media gaffes to paint the Republican nominee […]
About 3% of Americans identify as Pentecostals meaning that probably few members of the public have an idea of what VP nominee Sarah Palin’s religious tradition might teach or what […]
E-Magazine has a feature out on the (non)-role of science issues in this year’s presidential race as well as the failed attempts at a Science Debate. I’m quoted in the […]
A lot of people are talking and blogging about Matt Damon’s comments on the Sarah Palin choice for vice president (above). But here is the problem:It’s the right frame and […]
From the Associated Press: On Friday, a McCain radio ad attempted to present McCain and Palin as a unified force behind stem cell research. In fact, McCain supports relaxing federal […]
Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin might dispute the human contribution to climate change, oppose embryonic stem cell research, and promote creationism, but in other ways she has been an advocate for […]
From a press release out today, detailing the strong commitment from both parties to biomedical research.n Federation of American Societies for Experimental BiologyOffice of Public Affairs • 9650 Rockville Pike, […]
Over at the Daily Kos, University of Washington communication professor David Domke issues a bold call to news organizations. Warning that the McCain-Palin campaign represents a “crisis for mainstream journalists,” […]
“Grandpa” McCain?: The presidential hopeful relies on his wife and aides to show him things online or to read him email messages.As I’ve written, McCain’s admission that he doesn’t know […]
On Thursday, Dec. 4, I will be speaking at the New York Academy of Sciences, located on the 40th floor of World Trade Center #7.It’s a busy academic year, with […]
Back in July, I sat down for an hour long interview with the new TED-like social media site Big Think. The innovative project features “hundreds of hours of direct, unfiltered […]
Expect to hear a lot about this from the Obama campaign over the next few weeks. See the front page article at today’s Washington Post, detailing McCain’s reaction to the […]
That’s the question posed this past week at PBS’ Bill Moyers Journal. The program is a hard hitting examination of the impact of radical right talk radio, books, and TV […]
Piggybacking on last week’s Bill Moyers segment on radical right media and hate speech, Media Matters for America issued the following action advisory last night: Michael Savage is at it […]
While many Democrats and women find Palin’s support for criminalizing abortion to be outrageous, a recent survey by the Pew organization finds that roughly 40% of Americans generally agree with […]
As I’ve blogged before, research shows that The Daily Show is likely to cultivate cynicism among its younger audience while threatening to displace more traditional sources of news that might […]
That’s the argument of Curtis Brainard at the Columbia Journalism Review. As he concludes: Palin might not have the longest political track record to scrutinize, but the environment is clearly […]
As I have written in various articles, when it comes to science debates, the public is far more likely to be miserly in reaching a judgment than fully informed. Most […]
As the Sunday NY Times details, strategist Steve Schmidt has turned around the McCain campaign with brilliant advertising that sets the news agenda and primes voter evaluations. The former Rove […]
“Behold the power and glory of the scientific method!,” quotes The Onionin a satirical spoof of science enthusiasts flocking to a wall stain of the image of Darwin (above.) The […]
Last month Pew released a comprehensive analysis of news audience trends over time and across demographics. One of the key findings (depicted at left) was the continued decline in public […]