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I would also direct your attention to this piece by Mohammed al-Qadhi in the National on al-Iman University.I don’t think it is terribly difficult to get access to the university. […]
Jeff Reger over at deep focus has a great line on the media obsession- even requirement- to mention that Yemen is the ancestral homeland. I’ve talked about this inwearyinglength, but […]
Brian O’Neill of Always Judged Guilty has an op-ed on Yemen and the future – post AQAP strikes on the Huthis – in the National. You should read it.I have […]
This is what happens in a war – conflicting reports based on hearsay and rumors and no one really knows what is happening.Lets review three security incidents from today.1. First, […]
With everyone talking about Ibrahim Asiri and a number of reporters asking what I knew about him, I thought it would be useful if I put together a little biographic […]
I’ve been holding off linking to this article under the mistaken impression that I would have time to give it a close read, but as the days have gone by […]
Still little discussion on the forums about the sentences handed down to the Tarim Cell today, although one post mistakenly claims that all 16 were sentenced to death. In the […]
Presumably there is more news than me finally being able to transfer al-Wahayshi’s latest speech on to my i-pod so that I can listen to his creaking voice as I […]
The new issue of the Arab Reform Bulletin is out, and it has an article on the delaying of the elections in Yemen. Marine Poirier gives an overview of the […]
That Bloomberg article Greg mentions below is, indeed, something else. They had me at “Shi’ite Muslim rebellion”. They also mentioned 4 armed men being arrested outside the US Embassy. The […]
A number of my favorite commentators on Yemen have been speaking and writing on Yemen lately and here is an assortment of their varied views:First up is Daniel Varisco of […]
Waq al-waq is proud to link to Jarret Brachman’s blog on all things Jihadi. Jarret was kind enough to let me sit beside him at a conference last year back […]
Yemen and fears of secession is the topic of the “Big Question” over at World Policy Journal’s blog. I helped a bit with the project – not in putting it […]
It should come as little surprise to readers of this blog, despite the fact that I attempted to fly under the radar, that I have been in Yemen for the […]
The New York Times has just posted a story on Yemen and the difficulties of closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay.Those who read this blog know how I feel about […]