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Self-promotion post. New piece up in the ARB on the existential crisis- in both senses- that Yemen is facing. I don’t think I explained it as well as I would […]
One of the difficulties of following or writing about Yemen is that alarmism tends to become a series of “oh, and also”, which lessenes its impact. Right now it looks […]
The papers, at least in my cursory read this morning, are fairly quiet, although there is this interesting brief from UPI Arabic that ran in al-Quds al-Arabi. The piece revolves […]
The third time is the charm. 26th of September and a number of other newspapers are now reporting that Sunday’s suicide bomber has been identified as Abd al-Rahman Mahdi Ali […]
Well, below, I promised a reader that I would write an absurdly long post on what has been keeping Yemen together. In the comment section though, Greg decided to undermine […]
Both Brian at Always Judged Guilty and Clint at Selected Wisdom have weighed in with their opinions on the suspected debate over whether or not to use drone strikes in […]
Read Khalid al-Hammadi’s excellent piece on some Yemeni military officers being sentenced to death for collaborating with the Huthis. This seems to come out of the incredibly poor job of […]
Thanks to the many readers who have written in with the news that the new issue of Sada al-Malahim is out. Unfortunately, I am still busy with a couple of […]
Salah al-Shanfara, a MP for the YSP from al-Dhala’, has resigned from both Parliament and the YSP. His resignation will allow him to devote himself full time to the Southern […]
So I’ve been battling a cold the last few days, and have been losing. You know- foggy, can’t think straight, haven’t had the energy to blog. So imagine, if you […]
It isn’t only al-Qeada leaders who stubbornly survive government press releases- Abdel Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Huthi rebellion is still clearly alive, which everyone suspected despite rumors a […]
Hizb al-Haqq the Zaydi party that broke with Zaydi tradition to become a party, is showing how all the different schools of Islam can live together.News Yemen also reports on […]
Muhammad al-Ahmadi a very bright and talented journalist, who does a good job of following AQ in Yemen and now the Arabian Peninsula, weighs in with a short article on […]
Much like when I used to live in Yemen, a big part of my day revolves around reading whatever newspapers get posted to the internet on any particular day. Back […]
Both this report and this one cite the SITE institute as claiming they have a statement that was posted to the Internet by AQAP claiming responsibility for the attack on […]
The news is starting to come from various parts of the south about yesterday’s protests, which by most accounts were relatively low-key.Al-Tagheer has a story about 25 people arrested in […]
Well it has been a busy few days for Yemen and while we have been following the developments, I have refrained from blogging in order to spend time with the […]
It isn’t a secret that one of Yemen’s most pressing, apocolyptic problems is not any of the rebellions, nor even the economy (though it is related to it), but rather […]