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The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point has just released a special issue devoted to AQAP, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The issue reprints a number of articles that both Brian […]
In a sign of just how sensitive it is to what I will call Islamist criticisms, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula wasted little time in responding to what it called […]
Posting will likely be light throughout the rest of this week and throughout the weekend as the Waq al-waq team celebrates Thanksgiving with friends and family and watches Nebraska beat […]
Leading the way over the weekend is news on the al-Huthi front. We speculated last week on the possibilities of renewed clashes in the wake of the postponed elections and […]
I have added a new site to the “sites of interest” tag on the side. This site is devoted to Jarallah ‘Umar, the YSP politician who was assassinated in December […]
Posting at Waq al-waq will be greatly reduced over the next two weeks as I take time off to celebrate Christmas and spend with my own family and another one […]
There is still no word, at least that I have heard on the two major mysteries of the past year in Sa’dah.1. What exactly happened to the remaining six kidnapping […]
Al-Tagheer is reporting that Faysal bin Shamlan has died today in Aden the result of a chronic disease.Shamlan, as many of you know, was the JMP’s candidate for president in […]
Al-Sharq al-Awsat leads the way today with this article about the trial of the 16 members of al-Qaeda currently on trial in San’a. The article, following the government’s designation, labels […]
The trusty visitor counter suggests that Waq al-waq has had several hundred new visitors to the blog yesterday. So, first: Welcome. Second for those of you looking for history of […]
Anyone else having problems with al-Falluja (not spelled that way in the address)? Of course, this is the problem with following jihadi forums, as the loss of al-Ikhlas last September […]
This should not come as a surprise: the US and UK embassies have been closed, citing security threats. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is going to retaliate, the only question […]
As myself and now what I assume to be hundreds of new AQAP watchers wait anxiously for the new release of Sada al-Malahim, I thought I would link to this […]
We are still getting the hang of this blogging thing and so we ask that you bear with us as we continue to iron a few things out, like, say, […]
Mohammed al-Qadhi has another good piece on the tremors just under the surface as the anniversary approaches.The money quote, in my opinion:“Mr Saleh formed special fact-finding committees in 2007 to […]
The Yemen Observer– a paper that has never been accused of government affiliation- is reports that Tariq al-Fadhli’s brother is saying that Tariq has been given a three-day ultimatum, or […]
As promised the video of my talk from the New American Foundation conference is now available here. It also has Ken Ballen’s excellent presentation and some Q and A.
Yesterday I wrote about ‘Abdullah al-Midhar escaping from Yemeni security forces in Shabwa. His freedom, it seems, did not last long. Numerous English language reports have the news of his […]