When white dwarfs explode, they create a type Ia supernovae. After decades of following the leading theory, here’s the complete overhaul!
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Zombies aren’t a modern-day obsession. Throughout history, fear of the undead led to bizarre burial rituals all over the world.
Fortune cookies emerged from one of America’s darkest moments.
The multi-leveled constructions of metaphysics are the collective workings of a fantastical virtuality. Did you get that?
In the beginning, genes weren’t needed.
Self-help gurus for the digital age.
April 7, 2023
Welcome to the inaugural Big Think crossword puzzle! Each week, we will feature a new crossword, and many of the clues will be based on content that you can read on Big Think. Good luck!
His plan to replace it with homegrown rice did not go well.
From up close, the cracking sound of a thunderclap dominates. From far away, it’s more like a drawn-out rumble. Can science explain why?
We do not need to pause AI research. But we do need a pause on the public release of these tools until we can determine how to deal with them.
FIRE is a lifestyle that promotes extensive saving in order to retire early, despite the fact that early retirement is far from practical.
More than 90 percent of people make a mistake on this test.
Just like with AI, people worried about job security and the spread of disinformation. Machines were destroyed and book merchants were chased out of town.
The biggest lingering question about GPT-4 isn’t if it’s going to destroy jobs or take over the world. Instead, it is this: Do we trust AI programmers to tell society what is true?
When someone attempts to make you afraid of something that hasn’t happened instead of a true, present danger, suspect this nefarious ploy.
By studying the oldest animals, researchers hope to pinpoint factors affecting human longevity.
Einstein called his idea “abominable,” but the world of physics came around to embracing the views of Georges Lemaître.
What distinguishes effective from ineffective leadership training? Read on to find out.
This was largely a philosophical question until 2005, when a surgical team in France performed the first partial face transplant.
Leading a scientific revolution is easy: you just have to succeed where the current theory fails while equaling its successes. Good luck!
When Mongol traders came knocking, Sultan Muhammad II shaved off their beards. Three years later, his whole empire was annihilated.
Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy utilizes a non-ordinary state of consciousness to heal.
At this event, you’ll be around to hear the eulogy.
Most male mammals have little or nothing to do with their kids. Why is our own species different?
Most of us only ever see a fraction of a full rainbow: an arc. But optically, a full rainbow makes a complete circle. Physics explains why.
Long-term research efforts have revealed alarming mental health trends.
Awe-inspiring moments can be found in our daily lives, and they have surprising benefits for our health and sense of well-being.
Climate and ecological changes, as well as disruptions to the food chain, were already killing off the dinosaurs.