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After weeks of speculation and false leads Yemen has identified the suicide bomber that attempted to attack a South Korean convoy in March. The attacker was 20-year-old Khalid Abdullah Ali […]
Just a quick note from Firestone’s dungeon, to recommend that anyone interested in what is going on in the south should read Nasser Arrabyee’s report in al-Ahram weekly.For me, the […]
I was going to entitle this post “Waq al-waq hearts Robert F. Worth,” but decided that might be a bit much. As it is, Worth’s post has warmed the collective […]
Apologies for the extended absence from blogging. It couldn’t be helped. A lot has happened in the last two weeks, some of which I’ll even be blogging about in the […]
The biggest news coming out of yesterday was the accusation by the Huthis that the US was involved in air raids which killed up to 120 people. “The savage crime […]
Two new articles – in English – today give me an excuse to write on the Huthi conflict and also discuss some new media outlets that are publicizing their side […]
Waq al-waq has had well over 3,000 visitors today, which is far above our daily average. For those new to blog and looking for information on Yemen and al-Qaeda in […]
Instead of reading Salih’s interview with al-Hayat and the denial that was e-mailed to me early this morning by Yahya al-Huthi, I have spent the day (well not the whole […]
Despite my nerd-like fantasies – Washington Journal is my favorite show – C-Span didn’t show up to cover the event at Carnegie on Tuesday, but al-Hurra did and their correspondent […]
GENEVA – The United Nations food agency said on Friday a lack of funds had forced it to cut back rations for around one million people in Yemen, despite growing […]
One really never knows what one will find cruising around the jihadi forums. The other day I came across a pretty interesting thread asking who was the true Amir al-Mu’minin. […]
Yemen has announced that it has arrested 6 of the 12 potential suicide bombers that were on the loose. There is little information about when, where or how. Such is […]
One of the things about thinking so much about one particular country is that everything tends to be processed through that one filter. This can be both good and bad. […]
I have a new article out in Newsweek that argues that any benefits from assassinating al-Awlaki should be weighed carefully against not only the questionable legality of such a strike […]
To any readers for whom this has not yet aired: Greg is on Newshour and on The Charlie Rose show this evening, talking, I believe, about recipes. Or Yemen. He […]
Well, having spent more time than even I like talking about Yemen today (for those keeping score at home apparently the limit sans qat is eight hours – nine hours […]
The head of the criminal investigation unit in Marib was kidnapped yesterday, and is reportedly being held in exchange for the release of tribal prisoners.Al-Sharq al-Awsat is reporting on the […]
A YSP leader and his son were killed in Amran. The details are a little sketchy but it seems as though the two came under gunfire and were killed. Husayn […]
I have been promising for a while to post about Sada al-Malahim (The Echo of Battles), but it turns out I’m actually over-worked and under-paid – on a related note […]
Yesterday the NEFA announced that it had “obtained” an AQAP statement – I’m not sure obtained is the right word here, as they didn’t find it in some Yemeni safehouse […]
The forums are still silent as to an AQAP statement (or any other one for that matter) on the kidnappings and executions. However, judging from the 1,069 people (at last […]
Brian and I are both in the process of posting skeleton bios and e-mail addresses to our profiles. Over the coming days – hopefully not weeks – we will also […]
I finally carved out some time today to read over the transcript of Muhammad ‘Abd al-Rahman Sulayman al-Rashad’s recent audio tape. This is the second anti-Shi’a screed from AQAP in […]