Using social media to participate in faraway religious gatherings is now officially grounds for the granting of “indulgences”, or time off a purgatory sentence given for confessed or forgiven sins.
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The Norwegian prison system believes that taking revenge on prisoners for their crimes, by taking away their rights, is counterproductive to the more important goal of rehabilitation.
You know those nature documentaries, the ones where hungry polar bears risk their lives attacking dangerous walruses, or starving lions put their lives on the line attacking fierce horned cape […]
Fast food giant McDonald’s is on track to sell its 300 billionth hamburger soon, but the company’s global dominance has contrasted sharply with its recent attempt to justify paying low wages.
We are in need of tools to help us truly examine our own attitudes.
Here is the view from Saturn. Earth is the brighter of the two spots in the image.
There is a growing realization that weather modification projects are not only possible, but could also be an affordable solution to climate change.
“I’ll never look like the women with beautiful bodies in the glossy magazines.” Right. You won’t. Because they don’t. This wonderful photo compilation by a model generously and compassionately reveals […]
Statistics don’t tell the whole story. Be wary of anyone who claims that they do.
“Artists don’t have families,” the mysterious Warner Dax tells confused painter Daniel at their first meeting in the new film The Time Being. Dax (played by film and theater legend […]
A new artificial intelligence has proven more effective than human engineers at regulating Internet traffic, say researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
A new study challenges the notion that sex addiction is a legitimate mental disease by showing that the brains of diagnosed individuals do not respond abnormally to images of sexual content.
Colorado State University psychology professor Ann Cleary believes a feature of our memory sometimes causes us to believe we are familiar with places or situations we have never visited or experienced.
Neuroscience provides a chemical explanation for why some people are extroverted — seeking constant company, novelty, and thrills — and why others prefer solitude, routine, and serious talk.
The influence of women in a man’s life, from mother to wife to daughter, is likely to make him more generous, according to surveys of the male population and controlled laboratory studies.
Ideas from modern philosophy hold up better to scrutiny than does Buddhism.
To Orthodox Jews, eruvin are a crucial component to their faith. To everybody else, it is as if they didn’t even exist
A medical researcher at Imperial College London has created a smart knife which can tell doctors within three seconds if a group of tissue is cancerous or not, making biopsies possible during operations.
Recent studies have validated the essentially one-sided story that popular vitamin supplements are associated with high incidents of cancer, heart disease and death.
A pair of French researchers have discovered a virus of record-breaking size and mysterious genetic make up. Only seven percent of its genetic code matches that in existing databases.
A new review of 21 hunter-gather societies indicates that competition for territory may drive conflict, and that when territory is not up for grabs, widespread aggression generally does not occur.
This week in 1848, 68 women and 32 men signed a Declaration of Rights and Sentiments for women’s equality. This document, and the convention at Seneca Falls, New York, out […]
Taking a pill could one day replicate many beneficial effects of exercising, according to a pair of studies that successfully simulated physical workouts at the cellular level.
China wants to challenge Anglo-Saxon monopoly on cultural soft-power? Don’t do it all in English! Why Zhongguo Meng, and not “Chinese Dream?” This we learn from history: Great powers (almost) […]
Look up at Saturn tonight and Saturn will be looking back at you. Well, not exactly, but the Cassini spacecraft will be orbiting Saturn and taking a picture of you.
I really do believe that America has this weight problem, obesity issues and we have all these diseases that we get, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases that are primarily lifestyle diseases.
If your mother was stressed during pregnancy, then you have a higher probability of being an addict when you grow up.
Pleasure is absolutely central to human behavior because it’s evolutionary ancient.
We’ve made a little progress, perhaps in applications, but not a lot of progress in understanding the hard problem.
The current research that is most exciting is aimed toward understanding how the brain looks now at the connectivity between specific areas.