Sea anemones, which provide shelter for the clownfish and other fish species, are dealing with the same ecological threats as coral reefs as water temperatures continue to rise.
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My research shows that for each additional job in a high-tech company in a local community, you create about five additional jobs outside high-tech in that community.
How are we supposed to communicate about science in an age when political partisanship and media hype dominate the 24/7 news cycle?
Always paddle back out, because it is the only way you’ll ever get that next wave.
What a surfer’s story can teach us about the promises we make to ourselves about the future.
Big Data is a phenomenon that’s impacting just about every business these days.
A new study suggests yes: Since the introduction of the tax in 2008, fuel consumption per person has dropped over 17 percent and the emissions rate has gone down by 10 percent.
At The Tyee this week, a terrific non-profit online magazine covering news, culture and solutions as they relate to British Columbia and beyond, Geoff Dembicki profiles Bill McKibben and his work as […]
Thanks to a mandate passed by Congress in 1996, the US government is about to get out of the business of producing helium. The resulting shortage could affect a range of sectors across the industrialized world.
Many on Twitter say Manning deserved worse. Others are suggesting that President Obama should pardon Manning at the end of his term.
It’s possible that over time that we can develop the equivalent of almost a one-click shopping across the internet.
Medical professionals are demonstrating how Google Glass could be used for tasks ranging from viewing CAT scans during surgery to recording an actual procedure for educational purposes.
It’s the collaboration between the DNA from all your ancestors that keeps you alive.
On macro and micro levels, longer life is not working out. Almost all nations are aging and will confront the disruptive demographics of an aging society, some sooner than later. […]
While the fest provides a forum for respected marijuana advocates to voice their position on drug policy reform, others view Hempfest as an all-out weed wonderland.
Visitors to the £90 million (US$141 million) building, located in London’s Brent borough, can select questions from a touchscreen and “Shanice” will answer them from her “seat” on a screen behind the reception desk.
You can tell stories and then you can die, ultimately, and your stories can continue to have an effect on other people.
There is nothing more mind-numbing than reading in someone’s bio or profile a list of things they are “passionate” about, in a sentence that goes: “I am passionate about x, […]
Now that Facebook and other sites are incorporating more photo features, writer Molly McHugh takes note of how images are starting to replace — rather than complement — text as a means of communication.
Traditionally, cultural waves around food would take a much longer time to spread, generate hype and spawn imitators and fade out- but not at the breakneck pace that we are witnessing in 2013. may have been down in North America for as long as 45 minutes this week.
Your greatest danger is that you’re going to be replaceable by the time you’re in your late 30s.
We hear the admonishments all the time; smoking ___ cigarettes a day will take ___ years off your life, drinking ___ glasses of alcohol a day will take […]
A new song captures the feelings of the anti-surveillance movement.
A new agreement targeting Dutch content publishers involves linking an e-book’s digital watermark to the purchaser’s account. That way, if a copy of the e-book ends up on a pirating site, the publishers will know who to come after.
The country became the first in the world to officially recognize the use of the virtual currency for legal and tax purposes.
Meet e-David (Drawing Apparatus for Vivid Image Display), a robot who is programmed to copy works of art.