A sunset captured in Switzerland featured a sunspot so large it was visible to the naked eye.
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Memories triggered by smell are more emotional than those triggered by sounds, pictures or words
Baggy pants. A cane. A bowler hat. A mustache. These are the unlikely visual ingredients of one of the most important fictional characters of the last century around the world. […]
If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to sit through the Gameshow “Deal or No Deal”, you might have concluded as Charlie Brooker put it, that the entire show is “actually […]
Positing Jesus Christ as a yogi has become popular over the last two decades. For some, the symbolism is irresistible: loving your neighbors, turning a cheek and other maxims line […]
During the recent cold snap, wind chill has taken some heat, notably from Daniel Engber at Slate, who castigates wind chill as the “weatherman’s favorite alarmist statistic,” serving as the “PR agent” for horrendous weather.
“The image is one thing and the human being is another. It’s very hard to live up to an image, put it that way.” – Elvis Presley (born on this date in 1935)
The Merriam-Webster people have named SCIENCE the word of the year. Why? It had “the greatest increase in look-ups” in the online version of their dictionary. This data might be […]
When the nurse footprinted my son at birth, she declared, “his foot almost doesn’t fit in the box” on her special Baby Footprint Form (nurses and doctors like things to fit […]
The dream of overturning Roe v. Wade may yet come to pass for abortion opponents. But as state-level restrictions on the right to abortion continue to mount, the anti-abortion movement is steadily chipping away at the spirit of Roe while it remains on the books.
The Satanic Temple, the monument’s sponsor, says on its website that “Satan stands as the ultimate icon for the selfless revolt against tyranny, free & rational inquiry, and the responsible pursuit of happiness.”
“To be a good actor you have to be something like a criminal, to be willing to break the rules to strive for something new.”
-Nicolas Cage (born on this date in 1964)
‘Tiger Mom’ spurns out another bestseller – a bit racist but true? NEW HAVEN – Social media is currently hyping a soon-to-be published book by America’s notorious ‘Tiger Mom’, Amy […]
The Frankenstein metaphor that opponents of genetically modified food use to promote their fears is more apt than they realize. Yes, the monster is an unnatural life form created […]
Instead of squeezing more cars onto London’s busy streets, planners have proposed a superhighway that could accommodate up to 12,000 cyclists an hour.
It is truly appalling for people who lead cosseted lives, neglecting their sworn duty to defend the US Constitution, to sneer at those who defend it for free, or at great personal cost.
The genomes of tumors can be analyzed, providing “a much better way of deciding what types of treatments to pursue.”
The tactic of “gish gallop” — a rapid-fire listing of supposed weaknesses of evolution — cannot be properly countered in a limited-time format of a debate.
What happens when you shoot boiling water into -41C air?
A beautiful spiral just outside the Big Dipper holds many secrets that can teach us about our own Milky Way! “If I were a flower.. I would be a sunflower.To always […]
Young women today are expected to be wives, mothers, housekeepers, excellent athletes, be entrepreneurial and save the world.
Today’s mission marks the eighth flight of the Falcon 9 and the third flight of the v1.1 configuration and the thirteenth launch overall for SpaceX.
The following is a guest post by Mark Molloy “Sir we know our will is free, and there’s an end on’t.” (Samuel Johnson as quoted by J. Boswell in The Life […]
97 percent of Fortune 500 companies have been hacked (and 3 percent likely have been too and just don’t know it). So how do we close the “Cybersecurity Knowledge Gap”?
“Children say that people are hung sometimes for speaking the truth.” – Joan of Arc (born on this date in 1412)
Several people have asked me what I thought about David’s column about the moral message we send people by completely legalizing marijuana. The price would drop rapidly. It would be […]
“Education isn’t about knowledge, it’s about privilege.Would we know about Hannah Arendt had she not studied under Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers? Let me be more specific, education is about the privilege […]
The internet is really, really great… for cats. In space. “There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.”-Albert Schweitzer We spend all week together wondering […]
Here are all of the arguments against Edward Snowden. This is why they are wrong.
BEIJING AND SHANGHAI – Every single Western writer in China will face a tough decision in 2014: “Do I translate Chinese terms or not? If negated, this could lead to […]