How do normal matter and dark matter separate by so much when galaxy clusters collide? Astronomers find the surprising, unexpected answer.
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“The brain is never the same from one moment to the next throughout life. Never ever.”
Such discoveries help researchers better understand the development of molecular complexity in space during star formation.
And, more importantly, what’s being done to get them online?
What you can learn about media by parodying it from the print era into the digital age.
There’s a fine line between ambition and ruthlessness.
You will need determination, humility, and courage if you are to master anything.
Even in the very early Universe, there were heavy, supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies. How did they get so big so fast?
Much like a muscle, providing effective feedback is an asset leaders can develop over time with focus, consistent effort and commitment.
Have you ever noticed how many things you interact with but can’t name? So did we.
The new corporate landscape demands an approach to leadership based on empowering the “inner CEO.”
Often viewed as a purely theoretical, calculational tool only, direct observation of the Lamb Shift proved their very real existence.
Researchers are working nest by nest to limit the threat while developing better eradication methods.
From surviving on wild plants and game to controlling our world with technology, humanity’s journey of progress is a story of expanding human agency.
“Upon emergence, these patients are sincerely unsure what was reality and what was a ‘dream.'”
In July of 2022, the first science images from JWST were unveiled. Two years later, it’s changed our view of the Universe.
We must get happiness right — even when the world around us gets it wrong.
A perfect map is as useless as it is impossible to create.
A longstanding mismatch between theory and experiment motivated an exquisite muon measurement. At last, a theoretical solution has arrived.
Propofol, a drug commonly used for general anesthesia, derails the brain’s normal balance between stability and excitability.
An analysis of Indonesian cave paintings is reframing the history of human art, though whether the paintings really were created by human hands remains an open question.
How to make sure our formative tendencies don’t derail us from being the great leaders we are trying to become.
The all-time record is Usain Bolt’s 9.58 seconds, set in 2009. What is the fastest time, ultimately, for an ideal human body?
Cats twist and snakes slide, exploiting and negotiating physical laws. Scientists are figuring out how.
Can AI-powered “answer engines” replace the 10 blue links model?
Alan Turing and Christopher Strachey created a ground-breaking computer program that allowed them to express affection vicariously when so doing publicly, as gay men, was criminal.
In “Not Born Yesterday,” author and cognitive scientist Hugo Mercier makes the case that misinformation is overrated — and other human foibles are underrated.
“If you’re training an AI to optimize for a task, and deception is a good way for it to complete the task, then there’s a good chance that it will use deception.”
When stuffed and staring down the last bite, you might hear your mother’s voice in your mind.
The passage of time is something we all experience, as it takes us from one moment to the next. But could it all just be an illusion?