European airlines took test flights over Europe today to see the effect of the Eyjafjallajökull ash on their jets – but it is still unclear when flights over Europe will return to normal.
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Could increased volcanism and deglaciation be linked? It is hard to tell, but fascinating to ponder.
Although the world’s eyes are on Iceland, there is other volcano news, including the high cost of a potential Vesuvius eruption, new dome growth at Colima and all the week’s volcanic activity from the Global Volcanism Program
With no clear end in sight for the Eyjafjallajökull ash, airplanes are still grounded across Europe and in Iceland, you can add severe flooding to the ash hazard as well. UPDATED!
Large swaths of European airspace remains closed due to Eyjafjallajökull eruption – and there is no clear end in sight. UPDATE: Now with chemical composition of the ash!
The eruption we’ve been following for weeks in Iceland has now begun to disrupt life in Europe, as the ash from the new explosive phase has closed airspace over much of northern Europe.
It has now been confirmed that the Eyjafjallajökull-Fimmvörduháls eruption has opened a new fissure underneath the Eyjafjallajökull glacier. This has caused a number of volcanic-triggered floods in the area and prompted more evacuations.
Iceland may have ordered evacuations near Eyjafjallajökull-Fimmvörduháls after increased earthquakes underneath the Eyjafjallajokull ice cap, leading to fears of a potential jökulhlaup (volcanically-triggered volcanic flood).
Journalists can’t stay away from the term “supervolcano” (read at your own peril), the eruption in Iceland marches on and Redoubt settles down. UPDATE: Is the Icelandic eruption winding down?
Activity has died down significantly at the Eyjafjallajökull-Fimmvörduháls eruption in Iceland – is this the end?
Following a series of earthquakes last week on the island of Sicily, Italy’s Mt. Etna is showing signs that new eruptions are on the way.
Recent data collected by the ESA Venus Express suggest that Venus might have had very recent lava flows.
A new earthquake swarm has started near the summit of Redoubt in Alaska – does this mean an eruption will soon follow?
The NASA Earth Observatory has posted some great new shots of volcanoes from space, including four volcanoes erupting at once and the latest from the Icelandic eruption.
The current Eyjafjallajökull-Fimmvörduháls eruption is exactly what you might expect for an eruption in Hawai`i … in Iceland … actually, both!
The largest volcano on Hawai`i’s big island is officially moved to “Normal” status after the inflation of Mauna Loa ends.
Tourists are creeping ever closer to the Eyjafjallajokull-Fimmvörduháls (at their own peril) and rumors of an eruption at Taal in the Philippines prove to be false.
Did the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter snap a picture of a Martian eruption?
A second set of vents have opened at the Fimmvörðuhálsi eruption in Iceland – and you can watch it on the live webcam!
Marsili, a submarine volcano off Italy, could be a threat to create a tsunami – and if you read the news about this finding, you’d think it was going to happen tomorrow.
Haraldur Sigurdsson, one of Iceland’s top volcanologists, thinks the Fimmvörðuháls/Eyjafjallajokull may have peaked, but that hasn’t stopped the tourists from flocking to the new eruption.
Images of the Eyjafjallajokull-Fimmvörduháls eruption taken from space show the lava flow snaking down a stream valley – and how small the eruption is so far.
Alan Boyle, the science editor for, answers our questions about science, the mainstream media and the fallout of the Chilean earthquake coverage.
Piles and piles of volcano news from the past week, including extinctions! cards! holiday snaps! and rumbling volcanoes!
The eruption near the ice-capped Eyjafjallajokull continues going strong, but geologists have been able to sample the lavas – and tourists are beginning to flock to the volcano as well.
The Eyjafjallakokull eruption in Iceland added some explosivity to its bag of tricks, but so far it seems to be just steam-driven explosions.
Photos and video of the Eyjafjallajokull fissure vent eruption that started last night in Iceland.
We’ve been watching it for weeks, but it looks like tonight Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland has finally erupted for the first time since 1823.