Post the volcano news as it happens (at least while I’m away from it all!)
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Slow weekend, so we’ll start off the week with a new Mystery Volcano for you to identify.
The last of Etna Week here on Eruptions has guest blogger Boris Behncke talking about the volcanic hazards posed by Mt. Etna.
Welcome to Etna Week on Eruptions – everything you ever wanted to know about the Italian volcano, with guest blogger Dr. Boris Behncke.
Part 1 of Eruptions Etna Week with guest blogger Dr. Boris Behncke – everything you ever wanted to know about the Sicilian volcano!
Etna Week continues with Part 2 of guest blogger Dr. Boris Behncke’s look at Mt. Etna, including the unstable flanks, its eruptive behavior over the last 400 years and changes at the summit.
The latest volcano update from the Global Volcanism Program, with news from Colombia, Chile, Russia and more.
An unexpected collapse of the dome at Karangetang in Indonesia has produced pyroclastic flows that have left at least four dead.
Magma mixing triggers eruptions at Mt. Hood, lava flows slowing at Kalapana, Taal alert lowered and the plumes of Vanuatu.
I’m looking for some help – tell me about the experience of watching the Eyjafjallajökull eruption unfold on the internet.
I’ll be off on vacation for a week or so, but look for all sorts of treats in the interim.
Time to get the answers to your questions for Sally Kuhn Sennert of the Global Volcanism Program.
You don’t tend to think of volcanoes in the Caucasus Mountains, but Mt. Elbrus is a beast with a (recent) track record.
The next Eruptions Word of the Day describes what happens when hot magma and cool sediment get too close.
Lava flows have returned to Kalapana – and although typically not dangerous to life, lava flows are very costly to property.
Trying to catch up on a pile of news including the latest from Hawai`i, the sulfur dioxide of Nyiragongo, subglacial volcanism in Antarctica and Don Ho’s favorite volcano.
Guessing the age of a volcano based on erosion can be dicey – just check out two different volcanoes in the Andes and Cascades.
Kilauea continues its active summer, the USGS refines the geologic timescale and the new boon in volcano tourism.
Now you can own stamps made with ash from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption – all thanks to the Icelandic Post.
It is a busy week for me, but maybe this Mystery Volcano will keep you busy.
Trying to catch up on the volcano news: Kilauea’s march on Kalapana, Yellowstone’s epic geology, Katla-mongering and a possible eruption at Colombia’s Ruiz.
Back from Mineral King … and the hail didn’t even dent the rental.
Wrapping up a crazy week with some news from North Korea, calming the Katla nerves, volcano insurance and the steady lava lake at Kilauea.
The latest Eruptions Word of the Day is all about what happens when you get eruptions under ice.
The latest Global Volcanism Program update – and its hopping over in Kamchatka (as usual).
The July Break open thread – post all your volcano news here … !
PepsiBlog is no more … we’ll see if ScienceBlogs survives.
The Alert Level at Taal in the Philippines might be lowered and while researches climb Rainier to measure its height.