The average age of cannabis users is increasing. Weed may fall out of fashion before it becomes legal everywhere.
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Nobody knows where the word “penguin” comes from.
Stone buildings in northern India reveal secrets of old structures that could save lives.
To protect yourself, you need an antifungal rather than an amulet.
Piano Sonata No. 23 offers a window into the way culture became an instrument of Soviet state policy.
The conservation of energy is one of the most fundamental laws governing our reality. But in the expanding Universe, that’s just not true.
Wind farms seem less productive when scientists incorporate more realistic atmospheric models into their output predictions.
Not every classic enjoyed rave reviews from the start.
It’s not about fairness. It’s about using every possible advantage.
May 1, 2023
First, he conquered flight. Then he started to conquer space. Pioneers who had no fear led the way into the unknown.
These high-mass, rapidly star-forming galaxies have called modern cosmology into question. But hi-res simulations show no tension at all.
Neuroscientists hope to learn more in the hope of finding a way to reverse dementia.
Far from being a “dead” pursuit that focuses on old ideas, modern philosophy proposes and debates important, new concepts. All of us can learn from it.
Left-handed humans were likelier to get stabbed in the heart.
Laser-guided lightning isn’t the only manmade way to create lightning.
How humans came to feel comfortable among strangers, like those in a café, is an under-explored mystery.
Here’s what Europe would have looked like if the Confederation of the Danube had been established after WWII.
How one man’s divine dream became a poultry-shaped reality.
One from New Guinea rose to the top in a recent study.
All forms of energy affect the expanding Universe. But if matter and radiation slow the expansion down, how does dark energy speed it up?
How do physicists solve a problem like entropy?
Adolescents’ brains are highly capable, if inconsistent, during this critical age of exploration and development. They are also acutely tuned into rewards.
Uncover the high cost of raising a family and discover strategies to make it more manageable and rewarding.
Nagomi helps us find balance in discord by unifying the elements of life while staying true to ourselves.
The future of healthcare may bring powerful collaborations between AI and medical professionals.
The best evidence for dark matter is astrophysical and indirect. Do new lensing observations point to ultra-light, wave-like dark matter?
How does the mind interact with the body? Nobody really knows — but these philosophers ventured an answer.
Once the initial blaze of heat dissipated, the constituent particles of atoms were free to bind.
From empowerment to intellectual humility, these executive leadership skills are invaluable to an organization.