There are five different RAID levels available. Which one is right for you?
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Want to tell someone’s future in the US? You don’t need a crystal ball, just their zip code.
Scrap getting fitter or eating better and focus more on the people in your life.
A new study suggests that maintaining gut health to avoid diabetes may be little simpler than previously believed.
Plan S is starting to take hold, but the cost is merely shifting even more to the researchers.
A new antibiotic hits germs with a two pronged attack.
A single lifetime is more than enough to take you to the limits of the Universe. Right now, there are only three things limiting how far our spacecrafts can take […]
If you think ‘particles are matter’ and ‘antiparticles are antimatter,’ think again. In this Universe, there are certain rules that have never been observed to be broken. Some of these […]
No, being interested in BDSM does not mean you had a traumatic childhood.
Some volunteers performed above chance. They weren’t the psychics.
The arc of geological history is long, but it bends towards supercontinents – so, what will the next one look like?
No matter how your year went, Hubble’s views of the Universe never disappoint. Year after year, Hubble’s telescopic views are unparalleled. Saturn, its rings, and 5 of its moons are […]
Has lockdown made your pet extra clingy?
It might have been Einstein’s greatest blunder, but it’s our leading theory today. One of the most mysterious components in the entire Universe is dark energy, which — if we’re being honest with […]
Two stellar mass black holes, if they merge in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole, could have their gravitational wave signal affected by the strongly curved space around them. […]
Scientists find that an RNA-DNA mix may have created the first life on our planet.
The satellite would burn instead of becoming more space debris.
New anthropological research suggests our ancestors enjoyed long slumbers.
Take a journey through the maze of interpretations of one of the most famous paintings in history.
The first COVID-19 vaccines are here. So are the anti-vaxxers. Over the past year, most of us have learned more about coronaviruses than we ever thought we’d need to know. […]
The author of “Auroville: The City Made of Dreams” talks about the difficulties of establishing (and writing about) utopian societies.
Research from MIT’s School Effectiveness & Inequality Initiative found making college more affordable cut dropout rates and boosted degree attainment.
Scientists find a new species of flower in a remote part of Hawaii.
For the Iroquois, it was a type of military training and a way to honor the gods.
It might not feel that way, but a 95% dark Universe really is the best game in town. No matter how much we might try and hide it, there’s an enormous […]
A large-scale meta-analysis aims to disprove the notion that pornography consumption causes sexual aggression and violence.
Reading code activates a general-purpose brain network, but not language-processing centers.
Boston Dynamics’ notorious robot goes on an interplanetary mission.
First, recognize that our genes make us worrywarts.