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Gawker Media has Gizmodo, Lifehacker, The Consumerist, Valleywag, Gawker, and seven others. Weblogs, Inc. has Engadget, Autoblog, Joystiq, Luxist, Download Squad, and too many others to count. Education Week and […]
My latest roundup of links and tools… America is not competitive A majority of Fortune 1000 executives surveyed give the American pre-college system a failing grade. As Andrew Trotter reports […]
My latest roundup of links and tools… When did the IT staff get promoted above the superintendent? Will Richardson notes: [A] school superintendent I spoke with … lamented the fact […]
Am I any different than your friend or relative that insists on witnessing to you every time you see each other? Am I any different than the Hare Krishnas at […]
Three great questions I especially like the last of these three questions from Rodney Trice. We should be asking teachers and principals that question more often (and just that directly). […]
[hat tip to Richard Florida] UNESCO defines research and development (R&D) as: Any creative systematic activity undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture, […]
My latest roundup of links and tools… The critics need a reboot David Wolman’s article in Wired Magazine is a quick and effective rebuttal of those who claim that technology […]