Skilled hunters adapted to the changing landscape and left tantalizing clues to who they were.
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Clear communication is good for business and life — but compelling communication can take you to another level.
If light can’t be bent by electric or magnetic fields (and it can’t), then how do the Zeeman and Stark effects split atomic energy levels?
On the largest of cosmic scales, the Universe is expanding. But it isn’t all-or-nothing everywhere, as “collapse” is also part of the story.
High-frequency oscillations that ripple through our brains may generate memory and conscious experience.
Back during the hot Big Bang, it wasn’t just charged particles and photons that were created, but also neutrinos. Where are they now?
AI looks like a natural and inevitable fit for business coaching — but some humans are wary. Here are the pros and cons.
Your organization won’t become a “data democracy” organically — shared knowledge is key.
Finding meaning isn’t just personally fulfilling — it’s critical to our brain’s development, explains USC neuroscientist.
7 min
The arsons were no accident, archaeological evidence suggests.
The L&D team at S&P Global discuss how they build a culture of learning at their organization.
The Universe isn’t just expanding, the expansion is also accelerating. If that’s true, how will the Milky Way and Andromeda eventually merge?
Our Universe isn’t just expanding, the expansion is accelerating. Instead of dark energy, could a “lumpy” Universe be at fault?
Neuroscientist and author Bobby Azarian explores the idea that the Universe is a self-organizing system that evolves and learns.
The controversial theory about magic mushrooms and human evolution gets a much-needed update.
Just 460 light-years away, the closest newborn protostars are forming in the Taurus molecular cloud. Here are JWST’s astonishing insights.
Archaeologist Bernard Frischer spent decades uploading the ruins of the Eternal City to the cloud. Here’s what it looks like.
Today, the star-formation rate across the Universe is a mere trickle: just 3% of what it was at its peak. Here’s what it was like back then.
Our galactic home in the cosmos — the Milky Way — is only one of trillions of galaxies within our Universe. Is one of them truly our “twin?”
The new corporate landscape demands an approach to leadership based on empowering the “inner CEO.”
We are prone to false memories. One reason is that we are biased toward remembering tidy endings for events, even if they didn’t exist.
Cryo-electron tomography, or cryo-ET, is the future of cell research.
Even with the best technology imaginable, you’d probably never be able to exist as a consciously aware brain in a vat.
The Universe’s history, from cosmic inflation to the Big Bang to the present, is known. But whether it’s infinite or not is still a mystery.
In the brain’s language-processing centers, some cells respond to one word, while others respond to strings of words together.
“The only requisite for nonfiction is that it’s true,” says Nathan Thrall, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book “A Day in the Life of Abed Salama.”
Steve Jobs once quipped that Apple’s professional managers “knew how to manage, but they didn’t know how to do anything.”
In physics, we reduce things to their elementary, fundamental components, and build emergent things out of them. That’s not the full story.
When we divide matter into its fundamental, indivisible components, are those particles truly point-like, or is there a finite minimum size?
It’s not just fun: DNA origami has the potential to revolutionize engineering at the nanoscopic scale.