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While a History course, for and of the ages, this “class” is ultimately the Cosmology of modern day Science. It encompasses the entirety of academia in one sweeping story of physics, astronomy, geology, biology, ecology, sociology, technology and beyond.
A federal ruling might be a big win for broadband companies who could cut deals with large content providers — Disney or Netflix — to ensure that their web content is delivered faster and more reliably than other sites. 
The future of humanity depends on it. “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach […]
The difference in personalities between people who get good at stuff or get great at stuff is the people who get great at stuff really find satisfaction in the constant pushing process. 
Hal Gregersen: Four-year-olds everywhere in the world are successful innovators. They ask lots of questions.  They observe like anthropologists.  And that means everyone – you and I – we have more creative capacity than we think.   
The human face is the most precise signal system we have for our emotions. We can read seven different emotions and determine whether they’re being falsified or whether they are genuine expressions.
Most successful company leaders have common sense and sound judgment, leaving their personal feelings and issues aside when business decisions are concerned. However, it is not rare for executives to […]
“How do you do that?” young Charlie Parker would ask older musicians. “Would you please do that again?” Those who know jazz, or who only know of jazz greats such […]