Vaccines Could Save 4 Million Children

What’s the Latest Development?
The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization expects to be $3.7 billion short of meeting its operational costs for the next five years. At a conference in London on Monday, supporters will ask the British government, as well as other world leaders, for their support. The Independent reports that: “David Cameron and other world leaders have a make-or-break opportunity to help save the lives of four million children in just four hours when he leads a global vaccine summit in London on Monday, according to Save the Children.”
What’s the Big Idea?
The availability of relatively inexpensive vaccines has never been greater. To realize the potential of current vaccine research, a global effort must be made to ensure that high-risk children receive help. “Justin Forsyth, Save the Children’s Chief Executive, said: ‘We are on the cusp of an historic breakthrough that would save millions of lives. We have new vaccines to tackle appalling common childhood killers like diarrhea and more children than ever are getting immunized against illnesses like whooping cough. But without pledges on June 13th, that incredible progress could stall.'”