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Friday Feedback: Suggest a Tagline for Big Think!

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Big Think is searching for a tagline and we want your help! Below you’ll find a long list of taglines suggested by Big Think’s staff and friends. You will find that some are more inspirational and abstract, while others are more literal. Please feel free to suggest a tagline for our site by either sharing your favorite one or two taglines from the list below, or by writing your own suggestion in the comment section of this post. We look forward to reading your suggestions! 

Taglines currently up for consideration:  

  • You Are What You Think. 
  • Think Bigger, Live Better.
  • Rocket Science You Can Use.
  • What’s the Big Idea?
  • Know How.
  • Know Who. Know How.
  • It’s Worth Thinking About.
  • Think Again.
  • Get to Know.
  • Be In the Know.
  • Knowledge is Power.
  • Know Your World.
  • Grow Your World.
  • Expert Knowledge. Influential People. 
  • For the Knowledge Economy. 
  • Succeed in the Knowledge Economy.
  • Actionable Insights For a Changing World.
  • Knowledge You Need from the Experts You Respect. 
  • Where Thinkers Go to Grow.
  • Where Experts Think Out Loud.
  • Brain Fuel For the Knowledge Economy.
  • Learn From The Experts. Think Like a Pro.
  • Share your own! 
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    A weekly newsletter featuring the biggest ideas from the smartest people


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