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The Crowd Says He’s REALLY Not That Into You

Web site HeTexted takes the whole agony over a potential suitor’s mixed messages to a new, crowd-sourced level.

Article written by guest writer Kecia Lynn

What’s the Latest Development?

New Web site HeTexted claims to take the guesswork out of ambiguous text-message conversations that often occur when two people are, figuratively speaking, feeling each other out. “The site allows visitors to share texts from romantic interests, ask a question about said messages, and then get a vote from other users” on whether there’s potential interest. Writer Tracy Clark-Flory reports on the various types of texts and responses posted, ranging from the generally well-meaning to the obviously trolling.

What’s the Big Idea?

In a way, it’s just another example of how lives are increasingly lived online, and how many of the enduring questions and uncertainties about finding love translate over. Clark-Flory writes, “Beyond the guffaw-inducing posts, there are earnest queries that reveal that the desperate search for rules on ‘like’ and ‘love’ is alive and well…We live in a time of text message screenshots and email forwards — never has it been easier to ask your friends to weigh in on a specific romantic dynamic.” In HeTexted’s case, the “friends” happen to be a crowd of strangers on the Internet.

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