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Agriculture Deserves More Respect

Responsible for feeding the nation, farm labor should be an honored work and respected with livable wages and good working conditions. Lest we bite the hand that feeds, says the L.A. Times.
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Responsible for feeding the nation, farm labor should be an honored work and respected with livable wages and good working conditions. Lest we bite the hand that feeds, says the L.A. Times. “Today, without a union contract, farmworkers are lucky to get minimum wage, with no benefits, no insurance, no enforcement of labor laws that protect other American workers. Agriculture is ranked among the three most hazardous occupations in the nation…Of course, farm labor will never be for everyone. But neither should it be a laughable prospect. Our civilization is possible because someone plants the seeds, prunes the vines and picks and packs the fruit and vegetables that feed the nation.”

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