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Drugs, Terror, Crime

The trading of heroine and cocaine in Africa is transforming parts of the region into “a major crime hub” according to the Un drugs agency UNODC.
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“The head of the UN drugs agency (UNODC) has warned that widespread drug trafficking is transforming Africa into a major crime hub. Antonio Maria Costa said huge amounts of heroin and cocaine were being traded by ‘terrorists and anti-government forces’ to fund their operations. He called for a trans-Saharan network to be set up to tackle criminal groups. Last month the wreckage of a Boeing 727 was found in Mali with up to 10 tonnes of cocaine from Venezuela on board. ‘It is scary that this new example of the links between drugs, crime and terrorism was discovered by chance,’ Mr Costa told the UN Security Council. He said 50 to 60 tonnes of cocaine were trafficked every year across West Africa while another 30 to 35 tonnes of Afghan heroin was being trafficked into East Africa every year.”

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