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Lisa Witter is the chief operating officer of Fenton Communications, the largest public interest communications firm in the country. She heads the firm's practice in women's issues and global affairs[…]

Lisa Witter says there’s still a glass ceiling but women need to break it themselves.

Question: Are women as salary-driven as men?

Lisa Witter: I mean I can only speak to my, you know, I’m not an expert on this, I would say that no it’s absolutely not, I wish it was more. I think one of the reasons why I think women undersell themselves because they don’t negotiate well and they don’t push hard enough and a lot of women don’t know their own value and I am always encouraging my friends and I’ll even sit down with them and go through like practice asking me for money, you know, you’re going into a job, practice asking me. I think that we have to do a better job of training women to really ask, you know, get them to ask for what they’re worth, you know, I hire tons of people, men come in and always negotiate for more and most of the women that come in are like “Okay if that’s what you wanna pay me, that’s fine” and so as women we have to take a little bit of responsibility ourselves, but I don’t think that’s what we’re driven, I really don’t. But I think that women need to be much more aware of money because with money comes power and independence and I think that’s a really important thing.



