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It’s hard to find funny young people who can make a living cartooning, Remnick says.
2 min
Remnick remembers the twilight of the Soviet Union.
6 min
It was a combination of curiosity, luck and gumption, Remnick says.
6 min
Remnick talks about the twin influences of Bob Dylan and Philip Roth.
3 min
Tilghman sees equal opportunity in education as a major issue. There is clearly a major gap between rich and poor in the US, and universities that care about equal opportunity […]
3 min
As an immigrant, Tilghman is a supporter of welcoming students to the U.S. to study, and giving them the opportunity to stay and contribute to the well being and economy […]
1 min
Tilghman says she would like to see a candidate who is prepared to think about how we go about political discourse. One who recognizes or polarization of issues and our […]
Tilghman sees race as a major social issue. She believes that we have never truly overcome the burden of slavery. She points out African Americans make up an underclass in […]
2 min
Tilghman discusses our need for technology to give us alternatives to fossil fuels. This all boils down to climate change which will effect the world indefinitely.
1 min
Tilghman is worried about the fact that the way we define ourselves, in terms of race and ethnicity, is driving conflict in the world, especially terrorism.
1 min
Tilghman says that Africa is being completely left out of globalization plans and it is troubling to her how that will play out in the end.
Tilghman feels the measure of a good life is what one can achieve with their God given talents, and how they have treated others.
Tilghman is inspired by big ideas and the execution of them. She knows that big ideas come with obstacles, and likes to encounter people who see beyond the small details […]
1 min
Tilghman feels as though financing research in science, which used to be a social contract, is declining among universities. She links economic vitality with research and development, and sees the […]
2 min
Tilghman is concerned that many students studying science are becoming discouraged over the amount of time and the competitive nature of becoming a scientist. She is also worried about the […]
3 min
Tilghman is excited about the future of cancer research as we are close to being able to identify specific genes linked with specific types of cancer. This could lead to […]
2 min
Tilghman sees the next scientific frontier as focusing on cancer research and being able to find disease specific treatments.
4 min
Tilghman’s father encouraged her to follow her dream and her interest in math and science. She also thinks it is of great importance for people and universities to encourage all […]
3 min
Tilghman’s perspective on America involves the difference between group rights versus individual rights. She feels as though Canada allows group rights to trump individual rights, the opposite of America.
1 min
Tilghman says that the questions we should all be asking ourselves are, “How can we make a difference?…How can we lead lives that matter? How can we leave the world […]
Tilghman says that collectively we should be talking, globally, to improve understanding, to cooperate and collaborate to find common ground. Individually we should be educating ourselves about the issues to […]
2 min
Tilghman considers herself an optimist, but does feel globally optimistic. She doesn’t feel that the right people are stepping up to leadership, and can’t see solutions to major issues because […]
2 min
Tilghman says that there are many forces that have shaped humanity such as evolution, natural selection, technology, the Internet, and our ability to create a more comfortable environment. She feels […]
4 min
Tilghman says that one philosopher who she feels “gets it” is a fellow faculty member names Kwame Anthony Appiah. He has written about the nature of ethnic, national, and religious […]
1 min
Tilghman is inspired by people who strive for excellence, who dream, who have big ideas and are not concerned with obstacles, and who can execute their big ideas.
1 min
Tilghman was born and grew up in Toronto, Canada. She feels that Canada's policies of putting the group before the individual has definitely influenced her. She also mentions that her […]
1 min