The Future
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What would it take to create a truly intelligent microbot, one that can operate independently?
“Stargate” could be used to train the world’s most powerful AIs.
Making up false information is one of the biggest problems with AI, but there are no silver-bullet solutions.
Implanting machine components into human bodies, argues one scholar, could make for a better society.
We may be on the brink of finally seeing human-level intelligence in an AI — thanks to robots.
Google’s “Genie” could be used to create a wide range of interactive environments for more than just games.
If you guessed “staying up all night to play video games,” you’d be right.
People who have a regional accent might prefer robots who speak like them over generic voices.
Tech designed to fuse atoms might be able to clean up space, too.
Former GitHub CEO Nat Friedman just invested $100 million into the company.
Its creators hope the technology will help people meaningfully connect with the external world.
NASA gave three robots plans for a moon shelter, and the robots figured out how to build it.
What Shark Tank pitches, Sundance films, and unusual sandwiches show us about our choices.
Meta and NYU’s robot can navigate and clean rooms it’s never seen before.
Do grim sci-fi scenarios crush our hopes for real-world growth? Author Michael Harris looks elsewhere to unblock the road to a better future.
Whenever someone waxes poetic about terraforming alien worlds, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the ethical implications of the proposal.
A $30,000 electric vehicle with 400 miles of range that charges in under 10 minutes remains a pipe dream over the near future.
The brain-computer interface will be tested in a six-year trial in patients with quadriplegia.
The futuristic weapon could be ready for the battlefield in 5 years.
From AI to health and the metaverse, this year’s CES promised new tech that will change lives long after the excitement of the latest TV wears off.
Smaller family networks, more great-grandparents, and fewer cousins.
The first tests of optical communications far from Earth will take place aboard the asteroid-bound Psyche spacecraft
The problem with today’s AI isn’t it thinking for itself; it’s the tech telling humans whatever we want to hear.
It has already been trialed in people and could give us a better way to analyze and stimulate the brain.
ÄIO’s fermentation process creates healthy, sustainable oils and fats by upcycling low-value industry organics.
It’s not just fun: DNA origami has the potential to revolutionize engineering at the nanoscopic scale.
When ancient humans stared into the darkness, they imagined monsters. Today, staring into the future, AI is the monster.
Google co-founder Sergey Brin’s airship startup hits a major milestone.
Analog could serve as “always-on” computing, while digital is turned on only when necessary.