MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan Answers Your Questions – Live on Big Think!

Update: This interview has been rescheduled for April. You may still submit your questions below!
Dylan Ratigan, the host of MSNBC’s highest rated non-primetime show, will be here in our studio this Wednesday to talk about his journalism career and his new book, Greedy Bastards: How We Can Stop Corporate Communists, Banksters, and Other Vampires from Sucking America Dry. We want to know–what would you ask him?
About the book:
Dylan Ratigan is mad as hell. Infuriated by government corruption and corporate communism, incensed by banksters shaking down taxpayers, and despairing of an ailing health care system, an age-old dependency on foreign oil, and a failing educational system, Ratigan sees an America that has allowed itself to be swindled and robbed. In this book, his first, he rips the lid off our deeply crooked system—and offers a way out.
This country, now more than ever, needs passionate debate and smart policy, a brazen willingness to scrap what doesn’t work, and the entrepreneurial spirit.
What would you like to ask Dylan about the 2008 bailout, the financial industry, his solutions for government corruption and the ailing economy, or his work on the Dylan Ratigan Show? He’ll answer a few good questions live on Big Think this April 2012.
Submit your questions by posting them in the comments section below, writing them on our Facebook page, or emailing [email protected], then tune in at noon to watch.