Trust can be a fragile thing. Like decorative china or a ship in a bottle, it breaks if handled clumsily. But unlike those, you can’t set trust in your curio […]
The Internet is all shadows and mirrors—but what if it were the central source of truth? Thanks to Blockchain technology, it’s a future that’s possible.
5 min
Users don’t need better media literacy to beat fake news. We need social media to be frank about its commercial interests.
5 min
Imagine a world where governments compete for your citizenships. Bitcoin and Blockchain expert Toni Lane Casserly explains how this technology could anoint people over institutions.
How Blockchain Can Empower Migrants and Refugees
12 min
Facebook can flip your digital identity on and off at the switch; that is way too much power for any corporation to have, says Oliver Luckett — and we handed it to them.
9 min