SCI-FI Science Fans: Thanks!

I would like to thank everyone who has been so enthusiastic about being part of SCI-FI Science: Physics of the Impossible on the Science Channel. We have been floored by the warm reception after we announced that fans
can be part of the program.
We usually interview the fans at the beginning of the show, when they volunteer some questions, and at the very end, when we reveal the solution to the problem based on the best scientific evidence. So far, we have filmed enthusiastic fans in 4 episodes, including “How to Create a New Earth in Space,” “How to Colonize the Galaxy,” “How to Defend Against Meteors and Comets,” and “How to Engineer a New Solar System in Space.”
Next I fly to San Francisco to meet the SETI people, and also to swim with some dolphins! So there is still time if you want to be on SCI-FI Science: Physics of the Impossible, the #1 new program featured on the Science Channel.
We still have 8 more episodes to go, so we still have room for more fans who would like to be on international TV. For more information on how you can enter the contest for a chance to be a part of the filming, please visit my Facebook fan page for details.
Good luck!